>> Motherhood (2009)

Title: Motherhood

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Uma Thurman, Minnie Driver, Anthony Edwards

Director: Katherine Dieckmann

Studio: iDeal

Runtime: 90 min

In Theatres: October 23, 2009

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 3.20 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Uma Thurman plays a Eliza Welsh, a modern-day mother of two living a hectic life in New York City in Katherine Dieckmann-directed "Motherhood." Co-stars Minnie Driver (Sheila) and Anthony Edwards (Avery) round out a good cast in this true-to-life comedy about the pitfalls and rewards of being a mother. Dieckmann states that she felt there were so few true comedies about the subject of motherhood, so she decided to write and direct this movie.

As a 25-year-old single male, I have little experience with being a mother. Recently, however, I've begun experiencing living in New York City, so I was at least able to relate to those aspects of the movie. For instance, the movie shows Eliza's exhaustion experienced due to living on one of the upper floors of a walk-up. I live on the 4th floor of a walk-up, so I've definitely felt like her when carrying lots of groceries or boxes up those flights of stairs. I thought that the movie did a very good job at keeping it grounded. Yes, some experiences were exaggerated, but overall, I felt the movie did a great job portraying a real-life situation with real-life consequences. I wouldn't say I laughed out loud a lot during the movie, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Uma plays Eliza's part astoundingly, which really shows her acting skills in her ability to play so many different types of parts. Of course, she has had experiences with her children and living in the city, so she was able to draw from those experiences and I think it really shows. Minnie Driver and Anthony Edwards play their supporting roles well, though I think we could have gotten more character development for Avery. The movie was shot on location in NYC, which I think really helps bring the feeling of the city to the movie. Overall, I think if you're looking for a decent movie to watch and are bored, you should check "Motherhood" out, but if you've got other movies in mind, I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.


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