>> Angelina Ballerina: Dreams Do Come True (2012)

Show: Angelina Ballerina: Dreams Do Come True

Genre: Family, Kids

Studio: Lyons / Hit Ent.

Runtime: 56 minutes

Release Date: August 21, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

In Angelina Ballerina: Dreams Do Come True - The Feature Full Length Movie, Angelina wins a contest and is accepted into the Metroquefort Ballet Junior Dance Company. She’s forced to make the decision to join the academy and move from home or stay within the loving warmth of family, friends and her current dance school. Will she follow her dreams? 

I was both impressed and disappointed by this release. The show does a lot to show children that the world is a diverse place with so much to do and learn. They have characters that dance ballet, hip hop, and other styles. They have characters that play reggae, country, classical, and pop music. There are both girl dancers and boy dancers. There is an emphasis on family bonds and togetherness with close friends. I really did like that they really put a lot of thought into these topics. It also helped that there was lots of singing and dancing to keep things fun for the kids and inspire them to dance and sing themselves. 

Unfortunately as far as this being a feature full length film. Not so much. We start off with a coherent enough story. There is a contest and Angelina’s little sister puts Angelina’s name into it. Angelina daydreams about what she will do to impress the folks at Metroquefort Ballet Junior Dance Company. Mostly all of the feature is flashbacks on past episodes so really is it a full length feature film or just a rehash episode? 

With all of the flashback stuff going on the story tends to lose a bit of focus. We jump from one pivotal moment to the next in Angelina’s choice to stay or go. Finally after she has done a significant amount of flashbacking her decision is abruptly presented in an almost “blink and you’ll miss it” moment and the feature is over. Really it’s not much by way of an actual feature then it is a copy and paste episode from the series. Still, it has its attributes, as listed above, that make for a decent viewing for kids. 

Bonus feature on the disc is a Sing & Dance With Angelina game. It’s a virtual board game that has your little ones spinning numbers and moving, excruciatingly slow, across a board. If they land on the right spot Angelina invites them to sing or dance with her. Of course before the game begins Angelina says to make sure you have room and that you ask your parents if it’s okay if you sing and dance. Kids will love this bonus and more then likely the feature.



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