>> Married With Children: The Complete Ninth Season (2008)

Show: Married With Children

Season/Volume: The Complete Ninth Season

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Christina Applegate, Ed O'Neill, Katey Sagal

Studio: Sony

Runtime: 630 minutes

Release Date: August 19, 2008

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 2.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

The ninth season of the long running sitcom Married with Children comes to DVD. Married with Children first aired on the Fox network in 1987, it was significant in the fact that it was the then fledgling station's first prime-time series and to this day is still their longest running live action sitcom. I am sure most people are familiar with the show but for those who are not, the synopsis was as follows:

Al Bundy is a salesman at a women’s shoe store in the mall, his wife Peggy is his high school sweetheart and they have two kids, Kelly and Bud. Al is doomed to failure in every aspect of his life due to the “Bundy curse” and considers his dysfunctional family to be the reason for most of the bad things that happen to him. Al was once a glorified high school football player who was on the fast track with a college scholarship but in true Bundy fashion he impregnated his then girlfriend Peggy, married her, broke his leg and never quite got to college. Most of the show's humor is based around Al's incredible bad luck ad his resentment to his family though he never does anything to purposely hurt them. Besides the Bundy family, there are two other main characters in the show, Jefferson D'Arcy and his wife Marcy who are the Bundy's next door neighbors.

While Married with Children is a popular show for some, I am not exactly a fan and it is one of the few shows I feel ran way too long. The writing was pretty much the same for all 11 season and nothing really changed. It was so predictable and easy to read that by season two you already knew what was going to happen in most situations and by season nine it was like one long season of déjà vu. If you happen to have enjoyed the preceding 8 seasons on DVD then it stands to follow that you will like season nine because the same repetitive jokes and running gags are back.

I guess if the repetitive jokes and running gags were actually funny I might have a different opinion but if you have read any of my reviews on other humor TV shows and films you probably already know I am not the biggest fan of raunchy, vulgar and humor devoid of any intellectual value and that is exactly what Married with Children is all about. There is no sharp wit or dialogue the humor is just plain old lowbrow stupidity. Yes I do enjoy humor of this nature on occasion but Married with Children is so full of it; the show is not even that enjoyable to watch. Maybe I am too picky because the show does have some funny moments just not enough of them to make the 28 episode season worth a repeat viewing.


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