>> Melrose Place: Sixth Season - Volume 2 (2011)

Show: Melrose Place

Season/Volume: The Sixth Season - Volume 2

Genre: Drama

Starring: Heather Locklear, Alyssa Milano, Thomas Calabro, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner

Studio: Paramount

Runtime: 627 minutes

Release Date: July 19, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 1.94 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site


Heather Locklear was credited as a special guest for six seasons. ~IMDB

In 1992 producer Aaron Spelling added yet another major hit to his resume with Melrose Place, a spin-off of his teen soap opera Beverly Hills 90210. The show lasted until 1999 when actors started dropping out of the picture and the shows inflated budget simply did not match the dwindling ratings. For fans that were there and want to revisit, the show has been steadily released onto DVD, stopping for now here with the sixth season: volume two set.

There’s not much to say about this release for Melrose Place other then if you’re a fan and want to own a physical copy of the series then your going to be willing to pay out the $27.99 price (at Amazon). Mind you this release is pretty much broadcast quality in its original 4:3 format and contains zero special features so your in fact just paying for the episodes. Personally that seems a bit harsh since the entire series is available via streaming at Netflix and the show is slowly but surely rolling out via stream at the CBS website (currently streaming seasons 1-5). When your looking at $50 just to own the entire sixth season, stretched out in two volumes mind you, it just seems a move only hardcore fans with deep pockets would take advantage of.

In any case this is the final season for a lot of the shows actors and actresses and the show comes to an abrupt end in season seven so as you would expect its probably not the greatest of seasons. As I trudged along through the twelve episodes found here, cringing mostly, I could only give credit to the show for being the jumping off point for the prime time soap opera. Desperate Housewives fans and the likes, be thankful this show existed and proved to the networks that this was a viable commodity. Other then that this was not a show intended for me but obviously had its demographic by its every overdramatic word of dialogue and lusty sex scenes scattered throughout. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.



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