>> Sgt. Frog: Season 1, Part 1 (2009)

Show: Sgt. Frog

Season/Volume: 1

Genre: Anime

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 324 minutes

Release Date: September 22, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 3.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Sgt. Frog is not just a weird show, it's an extremely weird show. Aliens have come to Earth to destroy it but an unfortunate mishap has left a few of the frog-like creatures stuck on the planet. Now stuck in the home of your typical family, the leader of the invasion, Keroro, is busy doing chores rather than conquering the planet.

Sgt. Frog and his colorful gang of comrades are quirky and crazy little buggers. Each has their own special 'ability' such as shooting lasers from their mouth, or being a complete gun nut. The show has been equated to a less cynical version of Invader Zim by some but frankly, I don't see any connection.

One of the aspects I do enjoy is how everyone knows it's a television show. Many times the characters will reference aspects of the show such as what episode their in or the credits. Also, the references to pop culture are great too and they're very much up to date. There is a cool feature too that lets you cycle through many of the items and facts of the show called Pekopon Invasion Recon Data. It's definitely a great addition compared to most animes.

At first glance, Sgt. Frog doesn't appear to be much but after you watch a few episodes it begins to grow on you. Maybe it's the cuteness of the little green Keroro or his addiction to Gundam models but there is something about the show that makes you come back for more.



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