>> Thundercats: Season One Book 2 (2012)

Show: Thundercats

Season/Volume: 1/2

Genre: Action/Adventure, Anime, Kids

Starring: Emmanuelle Chriqui, Clancy Brown, Will Friedle, Dee Bradley Baker, Kevin Michael Richardson

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 182 minutes

Release Date: June 5, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 4.34 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Episode List

Berbils, Sight Beyond Sight, The Forest of Magi Oar, Into the Astral Plane, Between Brothers, New Alliances, Trials of Lion-O Part 1 & 2

Lion-O, Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, along with Wilykit and Wilykat continue on the quest to bring down the evil Mumm-Ra and his forces of lizard armies. When their quest first begun, it was Lion-O the young leader of the Thundercats who had to take his team of friends and family on the search for the Book of Omens. With the book they were supposed to learn of how to take down Mumm-Ra but now that they have the book they must keep it out of enemies hands. Even with the power from the Sword of Omens, Lion-O must take his team through the outer wastelands, fight their way through magical forests, as well as being sent to a dimision that outside of reality itself all while doom lurks on the edge of their world.

Here is volume 2, or I should say book 2 of season 1 of the remake of the Thundercats cartoon and man what a great remake it is. I remember watching the original cartoon and of course it was great so this new version had a lot to achieve. Here in this second volume the episodes pick up with the Thundercats having the Book of Omens that will allow them to find a way to defeat the evil Mumm-Ra who destroyed their kingdom of Thundera at the beginning of the season. Now the Thundercats are a little more skilled in what they are doing but the evil Mumm-Ra still troubles them. Along the way they of course find themselves stuck in the middle of some ordeal that requires them to help out, like when some cute robot bears appear to help them out but are the ones that need the help or when the forgetful elephants are being attacked by Mumm-Ra’s lizard army.

Watching this remake of the Thundercats was almost like watching the original series but updated with the artwork. This is not one of these new animations that use too much of computer generated art in hopes of making it look more realistic or a smoother surfaces to everything. What Thundercats look like is if it was drawn like the old cartoons but just better. One of the aspects of this updated look are the characters and how they look a little more human than cat-like. Although the artwork might not have the computer generated look to it don’t take it as if it don’t look sharp because the artwork is very clean and has a lot of detail to it. That detail can be seen when Lion-O lifts the Sword of Omens to his face to get a vision and the detail on realistic his cat-like eyes look.

Thundercats the remake is a very fun show to watch, it’s got lots of good old fashion fights between the underdog good vs the overwhelming odds of the evil. There’s romance within the team, possibilities of the team turning on itself, and the brother rivalry between older brother Tygra who believes he should have been chosen as the king of Thundera instead of his younger brother Lion-O. For me the best episode on this 2 disc set was Sight Beyond Sight because of how funny the elephants that appear in it not remembering anything and some of the names that they call Lion-O. Though the other 7 episodes are really good themselves, all containing moments that are funny and had me laughing out loud to just yelling out the phrase “thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats Ho”. The only thing that I don’t like about this DVD set is that there are only 8 episodes included. Though the 23rd episode is the latest to have aired I would have rather had a DVD that consisted of the first 13 episodes and then getting volume 2 with the last episodes. Because they are doing it this way they will have put out 3 volumes, each costing around $15 making the series cost $45 before taxes, that’s double of what I’ve spent on some new Blu Ray television series that feature hour long episodes with the same amount of episodes. Thundercats is a very fun show to watch but it’s also an expensive series to watch on DVD.


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