>> Top Gear USA: Season 1 (2011)

Season/Volume: 1

Genre: Reality

Starring: Adam Ferrara, Tanner Foust, Rutledge Wood

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 450 minutes

Release Date: July 19, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 2.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Bottom Line:

Moderately entertaining show, Top Gear USA shows potential for bringing more car centered shows to American televisions

 For those of you not in the know, Top Gear has been an extremely popular tv series in the UK for well over 20 years and has now become the worlds most popular television show. Yet it has only gained cult status here in the states.
The show follows three car guys as they will either do a series of challanges involving cars, car reviews, or celebrity interviews which includes having them drive a junky car around a race track. 
I highly suggest checking out the British show as it appeals to not only car geeks such as myself, but to someone who can't tell a Land Rover from a Tata. As for me, I think it is the greatest piece of televison EVER, I can inifitely watch the show and their bits never get old. But that what I have to say about the original. 
Now I never had such hopes for the American version. Unlike the die hard purists, I knew it would be rediculous to rate this film only by comparison the British one. They have had years to develop a formula and the host's are all close friends wit great chemistry. 
With that being said, the show is definitely not nearly as good as the first show. The chemisty is clunky at times and the guys are moderatly funny. Most of the challanges defnitiely have room for improvement as well. There wasn't one that was all that inspired and some were just bad
But all is not lost. The show defnitely has production value, as throughout the season the hosts drive very high end cars around the country. And despite the challanges not being that clever, they do have some fun moments along the way that kept me entertained. 
In the end, while not being the most entertaining show around, it should feel fresh to audiences that have not been exposed to car centered entertainment. Which in America, is certainly depraved. This version of Top Gear will obviously appeal more towards car fans than normal viewers, but there is defnintely potential for this show to grow


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