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Brian Robbins

A Thousand Words

Norbit director Brian Robbins re-teams with that film's star, Eddie Murphy, for this comedy about a smooth-talking man who discovers that he has only 1,000 words left to speak before dying. ... Read more

The Shaggy Dog

Dave Douglas (Tim Allen) is a top lawyer that has let his job get in the way of being there for his family.  He has a son that is failing math, a daughter that is protesting animal testing, and a wife that feels like she is doing it all on her own.... Read more

The Shaggy Dog

Dave Douglas (Tim Allen) is a top lawyer that has let his job get in the way of being there for his family.  He has a son that is failing math, a daughter that is protesting animal testing, and a wife that feels like she is doing it all on her own.... Read more