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Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

Deadpool Merc With a Mouth comes to an end and How good is Smallville season 10

My way of reading comics is a little different than most peoples, that is that I hold on to them until I have a stack to read. This happened about 2 years ago when I was working on a job that took almost 2 months of my time where I was working 15 hour days every day.... Read more

Darren Aronofsky Pondering Wolverine 2?

Here’s one we didn’t see coming: Darren Aronofsky is seriously considering the idea of signing on to direct Wolverine 2.... Read more

Robert Rodriguez Considering Deadpool?

With 20th Century Fox aiming to get all of its mutant spin-off projects up and running (except, perhaps, for poor old X-Men Origins: Magneto, which always seems to be the forgotten kid at the back of the class), word has been flying these last few days of some interesting developments regarding t... Read more
Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

Deadpool Corps has begun and the Rebirth of a Green Lantern

I’ve talked about how comics sometimes have problems with putting out titles on time. It’s annoying but it’s not the only situation that time can mess up a comic.... Read more
Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

The Future is Bright for Comic Fanboys, Deadpool kicks it around some, X23 the clone, and a new Spidey

These last few weeks have been pretty good for comics. In fact the upcoming year and next 2 years should be pretty good for the comic book fan. What I’m talking about as far as the future holds for the comic fan are the movies.... Read more

Reynolds to star in 'X-Men' spinoff

Twentieth Century Fox has begun development on "Deadpool," an "X-Men" spinoff that will be crafted as a star vehicle for Ryan Reynolds, who played the character in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."... Read more
