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Jamie Kennedy


Eve Lovett (Joely Fisher; ‘Til Death) is a TV Talk Show Host that is basically a real Scrooge. She doesn’t appreciate her staff, prefers her table for one at the same restaurant, and though her eternal single life does perplex her at times, she is all about her career.... Read more

Tyler Perry's Good Deeds

An upstanding businessman finds his upcoming marriage thrown into question when his connection with a down-on-her-luck cleaning woman turns unexpectedly romantic. Wesley Deeds (Tyler Perry) is a prominent businessman who has successfully taken the reins of the family business.... Read more

Patrick Dempsey and Jamie Kennedy up for roles in Transformers 3?

These are some weird TRANSFORMERS 3 casting rumors. According to a Google translation of a recent interview Patrick Dempsey conducted for Brazilian website BOL Noticias, the "Grey's Anatomy" actor says he has a roll in the upcoming third installment of Michael Bay's alien robot opus.... Read more

Jamie Kennedy: Forty's Eminem & Angelina

Jamie Kennedy is not a star. At least that is what they are hoping on with his show the Jamie Kennedy Experience as they try to fool people in a candid camera-like environment.... Read more

Scream 2

A year after the monstrous success of 1996's neo-slasher flick Scream, director Wes Craven and screenwriter Kevin Williamson reunited for this follow-up.... Read more