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Brad & Angie: Together Onscreen Again?

It’s been a few years since Brad Pitt and other half Angelina Jolie shared the screen in Mr & Mrs Smith. But now, according to scriptwriter Guillermo Arriaga, there’s a chance they could team up again and star together in The Tiger.

Don’t get too excited – right now, all we have is Arriaga talking about it to Quien (helpfully translated by The Playlist) and dropping a mention of Angelina co-starring. That’s not exactly a big “Jolie signs on to hunt Tiger” confirmation just yet.

The Tiger will be based on John Valliant’s non-fiction book, which sees an animal activist in 1997 caught between his “animals are people too” beliefs and his need to save lives when a hungry tiger starts attacking the locals in a small Siberian town.

Plus, while Arriaga mentions scouting locations and the likelihood of the movie shooting next year, there’s another big element still in flux, and that's director Darren Aronofsky. While this allows us to keep up the rolling coverage of Aronofsky Week, the fact that he’s also mulling big studio projects such as Wolverine 2 and Tales from the Gangster Squad makes us think that The Tiger might have to wait, or find someone else to wield the megaphone. We’re still sort of hoping Aronofsky decides Wolver

Peter Oberth
News by Peter Oberth
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