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Matt Long

Lucky 7

A group of seven gas station employees in Queens, New York, play the lottery every week and dream about what they would do with the winnings. When they do finally hit the jackpot, the coworkers learn that money may solve some problems, but it creates new ones. ... Read more

The Deep End (PREVIEW)

Sterling Huddle Oppenheim & Craft is one of the most prestigious law firms in all of Los Angeles. Five new hotshot lawyers, fresh out of college are about to get their chance at the big leagues.... Read more

The Deep End

Sterling Huddle Oppenheim & Craft is one of the most prestigious law firms in all of Los Angeles. Five new hotshot lawyers, fresh out of college are about to get their chance at the big leagues.... Read more

Ghost Rider (BLU-RAY)

So I didn’t expect much of this movie and thank God I didn’t.  Ghost Rider is no Batman, it’s not even a Hellboy.  Hell, it’s not even Fantastic Four.  This is easily a movie that would have been a small release were it not for Nicolas Cage’s desperate need to be in a superhero movie (especially ... Read more