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Brandy Norwood (Majors & Minors)

Brandy Norwood: The Interview (Majors & Minors)
Interesting Tidbits

Brandy is the older sister of R&B singer Ray-J and the first cousin of rapper Snoop Dogg.

Brandy Norwood is best known for being a singer (The boy is mine, I wanna be down, Baby, Sittin’ up in my room, and Full Moon), an actress (Moesha, Cinderella, I still know what you did last Summer, and guest appearances on House, 90210, Drop Dead Diva, and American Dreams), and a reality TV star (Dancing with the Stars, season 1 judge of America’s got Talent, and Brandy & Ray-J: A family business). However, starting Friday, September 23, 2011 at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT on the Tab Network, she will also be known as a mentor on a new show called “Majors & Minors.” The show is a music competition where twelve contestants, that are 10-16 years old, are mentored by big names in the music industry (such as Brandy, Avril Lavigne, Will.I.Am, and Jordin Sparks to name a few) to compete for a record deal and a nationwide concert tour. Shakefire had the honor of having an interview with Brandy to discuss the show, her music, and what the future holds for her.

SHAKEFIRE: First off, I was curious about what attracted you to become a mentor on "Majors & Minors?"
BRANDY NORWOOD: I was approached by RCA about the project and thought it was a good opportunity to give back to the younger generation in music. The contestants were already amazing because they all knew, at such a young age, that music was what they wanted to do all their lives. They reminded me a lot of how I was when I was 15 years old trying to get my big break in the music industry.

SF: On the show, you are mentoring these young up and comers to fulfill their dreams in music. Who were your mentors growing up?
BN: I would say Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson all the way. I loved everything about them. They were able to move and inspire people and that’s how I wanted to be.

SF: How many episodes will you be appearing in the show and did you have a chance to interact with any of the mentors?
BN: I am going to be in all 15 episodes and sadly, I did not get to interact with the other mentors. However, I did get to hear some of the advice they gave to the contestants and was very touched. Will.I.Am, in particular, told them a lot of good things and I plan to apply his words of wisdom to myself as well.

SF: What advice would you give to other aspiring musicians out there?
BN: I would say that no matter what happens, stay true to yourself. There are going to be a lot of people in the industry that will try to sway you in all directions, but don’t let it happen. Surround yourself with honest people that you trust. Also, the core of who you are should be the base for everything you do.

SF: After "Majors & Minors," what is up next for you?
BN: I have a couple things lined up in terms of movies, TV, and music. I think my fans will be surprised with what I have coming up next.

SF: What can we expect from you in your upcoming album?
BN: The sound I am going for on the new album will be “futuristic R&B.” I want it to be different and new from R&B in the past and present, but not too different and new. I still want to be able to stay true to my R&B roots. I have a lot of new writers and producers to work with including Timbaland. I know my fans have been patiently waiting for new material from me and I want to give them what they deserve.

SF: Can’t wait to hear it! Who would be your dream song collaboration or dream co-star for a movie?
BN: In terms of music, I would have to say either Beyonce or Lady Gaga. I love Beyonce and she is one of my favorite artist. As for Lady Gaga, she is creative and talented musically. In terms of movies, I would love to work with Justin Timberlake because I like his style and everything he is doing in movies is really great. Also, I would love to do a movie with Denzel Washington of course. Who wouldn’t?

SF: I bet those songs and movies would be very hot and very popular. Lastly, I loved watching your show, “Moesha,” when I was a teenager. Would you ever do a Moesha reunion show if given the chance?
BN: Absolutely! In a heart beat! I love the cast and loved acting on the show. It would be great to meet up with everyone again and relive the good times.

SF: Wow! Thank you so much Brandy for taking the time for the interview. I can’t wait for the new show and your new music when it comes out.
BN: Your welcome! Thank you for talking with me today. Please check out the new show, “Majors & Minors” because I would love to hear what you think of it. Bye!!

Paul Arca
Interview by Paul Arca
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