>> Damned by Dawn (2010)

Genre: Horror

Starring: Renee Willner, Bridget Neval, Dawn Klingberg, Taryn Eva, Danny Alder

Director: Brett Anstey

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 81 minutes

Release Date: November 9, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 0.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: F

 "Sick of waiting for Evil Dead 4? Check out Damned by Dawn."
That is the quote printed right on the cover of this blu ray and instantly tells what kind of movie you should be expecting. Though I have not seen the Evil Dead movies, I do know that they are considered the gold standard when it comes cheap, campy horror movies. And if this movies quality is anything near Evil Dead, then I seriously question the taste of of all those fans. 
I'm just gonna get this out of the way, this film is absolutely terrible. I was only able to watch about 40 minutes of the movie until I couldn't stand all that was wrong with the movie. 
I can see what the filmmakers were trying to achieve here, but what goes wrong with so many of these small budget horror camp flicks is that they are approaching this with the wrong attitude. In order to make a good camp film you have to treat the project like its a big deal, not some throwaway time for you and the crew to have fun. Watching this film totally gives you the impression that they didn't put any thought into making this film. 
They try to be funny with screen saver grade cgi, having massive plot holes, and terrible writing and acting. And the whole time you get the feeling from everybody involved that they just don't care about this film. So why should anybody watching care either? 
I kid you not when I say this film has zero redeemable qualities. Even if you are a die hard fan of this sub genre, I am really struggling to find any reason you should watch this completely forgettable suck fest. The people responsible for this film set out to make a bad movie, and they certainly did.
The special features include commentary by cast and crew, I cant imagine that having to much insight into the movie, and a making of documentary.


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