>> Ultimate X, Batgirl, a little Wolverine, and just some talk.

Ultimate X, Batgirl, a little Wolverine, and just some talk.

This week in  comics was just a ok week. Nothing spectacular or amazing but nothing boring either. My first complaint was that Dark Tower: Battle for Jericho Hill #3 was supposed to come out on Feb. 3 but it didn’t, it will be out on Feb. 10, 2010. This is not new, having to wait a week or more for a issue to come out and these days it’s getting more regular than it is getting more seldom. I'm so tired of having to wait for titles to come out that's supposed to come out this week but 6 months later they come out. What's taking so long?
Though with the one title being held back I was happy with this weeks titles.The main title being Ultimate X #1. Oh, how I love the Ultimate titles and this title continues that passion for me. First it started with Spider-Man and it continued to X-Men and Fantastic Four and even the Avengers and now with Ultimate X it takes the next step in the line. If you are a regular comic reader you know that Wolverine is near immortal, well in today titles he has become closer to death than before, but he has had a kid that hates him with all kinds of passion. Well, with Ultimate X, it’s the opposite. I loved this title! It’s the beginning of a new idea and a new story line that can go in any direction and that’s what has me hooked. Oh, the art is just as great as the story is.

There was also the Dark Avengers #11 and 12 that I read. These didn’t come out this week but in the last two months but they are still worth talking about. Why did I like these 2 issues so much? Molecule Man! For me I’ve always been a Spider-Man fan but my second favorite character has been the Molecule Man. How can you not like a man that can control the world around him and make anything he wants out of nothing? Ok, so he can’t beat down the strongest person, he don’t have the smoothest moves, and he’s no Dare Devil or Batman but he can wipe them out with just a thought and for me that was always cool. After years of not being around the Molecule Man has made another appearance and he’s friends with even great powered beings. So how is the Dark Avengers going to beat him? In my opinion, there’s no way they can. But for Marvel they have made a way and that way is the Sentry. This guy I don’t get. Now he has… Ok not going to spoil it, if you want to know, read Dark Avengers 12 to know what I’m talking about.

I know, I left you hanging but you read it then you know but since then I will talk about Batgirl #4. Stephanie Brown has become the new Batgirl. I don’t like it. I liked the last Batgirl who was able to go toe to toe with Batman and now that he’s gone she wants nothing to do with the mantle. Crap! You take on the title of Bat you stick with it. Well, now we have yet another new Batgirl and this time she’s one we know and for me one I don’t like. This issue was just a filler issue. Stephanie Brown goes out to learn how to use her new suit. Oh wow. Just a boring issue really cause nothing happens. I like the old Batgirl cause she knew how to take you down, this new one just wonders how she can.

Well, if you’re wonder what title to read that’s got the most interesting plot and best art it would be the Invincible Iron Man. This story is about Tony Stark getting his mind back with the help of Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and other friends. It has great art and even better plot. Why does he have the right? Well, read it and you will get that question. It's a 5 part story line that will be about Tony Stark coming back into the world. I'm guessin he will help take down Norman Osborn somehow, how? I don't know. But with story line it looks like it's going to go that way. So far wtih the 3 parts that's out it's interesting enough to read.

What not to read? Wolverine Windigo. What a boring issue. It’s a one issue comic that’s got the title of Wolverine but guess what? He’s only in it at the very end. Don’t waste the money on this title. It’s boring, it costs you 4 bucks, and there’s no Wolverine in it that makes it worth the money to buy it. I love reading about Wolverine and this just let me down. It's that simple.

Wow, all this talk and still not even scratching the surface of the ones I want to talk about. There’s still Buffy The Vampaire Slayer seaon 8, Avengers Initiative, Wolverine Origins, Secret Warriors and many more that I want to talk about. But guess what that’s what this blog is about so I’ll get to them all and if you have any that you want to talk about let me know. Till then, I’m off.


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