>> Green Lantern and Thor Photos

Green Lantern and Thor Photos

It’s been released, the official photo of Ryan Reynolds wearing the suit of Green Lantern. Lets take a look at it shall we.

Yep, that’s what he looks like as Green Lantern. Don’t like it in the least. The mask looks like someone just used a computer to paint it on his face. Oh wait, that’s exactly what they did. The suit itself, what’s the deal with those lines? Are they supposed to be muscles or did the suit start to rip? If you’re wondering why the suit looks so thin it’s because it was also painted on his body by a computer.
That’s right, the new Green Lantern movie will have the main character walking around in a suit that’s been painted on him by a computer. Why? Are they trying to make this movie turn into a failure before it’s even out? What was the reasoning behind the painted on suit vs a real fabric made suit? Cost maybe? Could be but in my thinking I would guess that a fabric suit would cost less then all the hours, equipment, and people to make the computer generated suit would cost.

For me however, I would much rather see him in a real suit that’s been made and one that resembles the actual suit that Hal Jordan wears. It’s a cooler look and has style, more so than that painted on thin looking one. Here’s a look at the real look for Hal Jordan.

One thing I noticed about the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern is that his chest around the lantern symbol is glowing. It’s actually kind of cool considering that the new look of the Green Lantern members is having the lantern symbol glowing and floating about a foot in front of the Green Lantern. Very cool look and still is possible to happen in the film since that would be another computer generated look. But one other effect that the Lanterns have is the green glow around their bodies. This I’m hoping will be happening with Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern. One thing that I was thinking would be a cool look would be the way that Dr. Manhattan had in the Watchmen. That look of the glowing around his body that radiated out in a fog like look. Having that around Ryan Reynolds as he is being Green Lantern would be totally cool.Not to be outdone by DC Comics Green Lantern, Marvel Comics has their own movie that released a photo of, Thor. If you saw the movie Iron Man 2 and stayed till the end of the credits you would have seen Thors hammer Mjolner.

Cool hammer right? Much cooler in the theater on the big screen looking all clear. The hammer is looking great. Though it would be hard to mess up the hammer that’s just a square on a stick. But that’s not the only photo that’s out of the hammer. There is one that’s clear and looks really cool.

This is Thor getting ready to pick up Mjolner for the first time after it has crashed down to Earth. How do I know this? Ok well I’m just assuming at the moment because this is how it went down in the comics. With the way the short footage in Iron Man 2 showing the hammer in the dessert and now with this photo it shows about the same. What would be cool is seeing the line of people trying to get the hammer out as well.

Another set of photos out is the ones showing Thor in his armor. Very cool actually, aside from that cape. I like capes, I do but the look of this cape is not one I like. Reason is that flat straight edge that looks as if a piece of wood has been stuck into it.

Though a cool look is the grand look of the room that he is in. With this been Thor and being based on gods, everything should have a large and unbelievable look. With this photo it looks like they are doing just that. What’s also being done is the armor itself. It’s the new look of Thor. It has that plated look that looks like dragon scales, the best look for Thor I think so far.

Out of the two of these movies I’m betting that Thor will have a better look and will stay truer to the comic than Green Lantern will. However, I think Green Lantern might have better acting and might just be a better movie in that regard. Though if Thor can keep the drama down and not have every scene seem like it’s the end of the world and not have Thor sound like he’s been smoking for 200 years and has a sore throat then it will win out. But it’s still some time before they are out so lets wait for more info. Till then I’ll just talk about it as it comes. 

DC Comics Official Site: www.dccomics.com/dccomics/

Marvel Comics Official Site: marvel.com/

Entertainment Weekly Official Site (for that photo of the cover of Green Lantern that I found online): www.ew.com/ew/


Green Hair?

Does Green Lantern have green hair in that EW cover or is that just the light radiating from the suit/ring? It almost appears that he has frosted tips, ha

It's just the glow from the

It's just the glow from the ring and maybe some not so great photoshopping.

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