>> The Movie Green Lantern Don't Shine That Bright

The Movie Green Lantern Don't Shine That Bright

It’s been a little while since I’ve talked about Green Lantern and now that the movie is out I think it’s due time to talk a little about the green. So I will keep any real spoilers out of here, just thoughts about the movie is the main goal but still if you haven’t watched it still be weary of reading this.

First up the movie, this is first mainly cause it’s the newest thing out and lots of people will have seen it even if they don’t read the comic. I was really looking forward to the movie Green Lantern, though I had many doubts about it I still held out hope that it would be a great movie. This is a character that’s really cool, has been one of my favorites for years, and of course it’s my favorite color so how could it go wrong? There’s many reasons how this movie goes wrong and how it disappoints me so much. My first concern with the movie before was how the costume would look and my worries were justified by how horrible it looks on screen. Why it was decided to give all the Green Lanterns a computer generated suit that’s painted on them is beyond me. The suits look fake, they look like they are computer generated, and they don’t look cool at all. I’ve seen games that have a more realistic look and a better look than this movie does with the costumes. The basic design is not the problem, the design looks cool and I actually like the lines in it along with the glow, it’s having it look like a computer painted costume on a real person. If I want to watch a movie where it’s drawn by a computer I’ll play a video game or watch a cartoon. When I go to a movie that I pay to see (and yeah we all know the price of a movie at theater is not cheap) I want to see something that not looking like it’s been taken from photoshop.

What could have been done then? Simple, use a real suit, one that has actual fabric, material, and is being worn by the actor. If the director still wants the suit to glow then use the CGI to add to the costume to make it glow. One of the reasons that the new Batman movies are so good is the look of it is real. The character Batman is given a real suit, sure it might not be bullet proof but it looks real enough that I believe that it’s bullet proof. With all the money spent on Green Lantern they should have used a real suit that was improved upon with the CG to have a glow. It would have been easier than creating a suit that has to move with the actor while looking real, and again it don’t, then it would have been to have a real suit that’s augmented. This one aspect of the movie is one of the biggest problems the movie has, even more so than the poor script, the no mystery easily seen plot points, bad acting, and useless characters. Reason is that the suits are seen throughout the whole movie giving them a big impact on the viewer, but a bad one.
Though enough with the suit, there’s also the bad acting given by everyone. Ryan Reynolds does a horrible job in portraying the character Hal Jordan. I can’t put the blame fully on Reynolds for not liking the character, there’s enough blame for the writers and director as well. The character of Hal Jordan is one that’s strong, brave, hard headed, and though he might not go around trying to have commitments he don’t quit things he starts. In the movie Hal Jordan is a whiny man child that is reckless, uncaring, not that brave, and worse yet he is made into a quitter.  I didn’t like this version of the character at all for all those reasons. There’s no real comparison between the on screen character and the one in the comics.

As well as having the bad look, the bad acting, there’s also the plot that’s lacking any real story. Having a story that’s based on a character that I already know the history of it’s hard to have a movie that would keep me trying to guess what’s going to happen but it’s still possible. Not with this one though, here the plot is so predictable that after 10 minutes into the movie I already knew everything that was going to happen and no I didn’t read anything about the movie before hand. The villain Parallax is one that should have been saved for a possible sequal rather than having him being the main villian in the first movie. This is not the easy part to see in the plot though, that info is told at the beginning of the movie, rather what is the supposdly hidden plot point is the identity of who Parallax is. The identity of Parallax is not given until near the end of the movie but if you have your eyes open at the start of the movie you will know who it is. Every aspect of this plot I open like that too. The reletationships between all the characters, what they are going to do when they are on screen, and how the movie is going to end. It’s all so open that it’s crazy that they thought this was going to make for a good movie.

I had hopes for this movie to be great, with great action scenes, the look of a live action Green Lanter flying around in space, and getting to see the ring being used. In the end all that it turned out to be is a comic movie that makes Daredevil movie look good. The only good thing about this movie was Sinestro. This character steals the whole movie and ends up being more true to the comic version then any other character in the whole movie. Seeing him was better then seeing any other charcter in the movie. It's because of how Sinestro turned out in this movie that I actually want to see a sequal only because it should be centered around him. If not for Sinestro not only would I have deplored this movie but I would not want another movie made, at least not by anyone associated with this one.


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