>> Halloween Superhero and Superheroines Costumes that can be Easily Made and Quick

Halloween Superhero and Superheroines Costumes that can be Easily Made and Quick

With it being Halloween this weekend, well Monday actually but most people will be celebrating it over the weekend. Now if anyone is like me where they wait to the last minute which for me the last minute is actually the last minute cause I won’t pick what I’m wearing till Halloween night when I’m about to head out and I rush around looking for a costume. Knowing what I do and knowing that I never come up with any sort of costume that looks good, it hit me, comic books offer a plethora of characters that would make for easy to make costumes and most will have the supplies at home already.
So lets get started with the easy costumes anyone can be.
1) Peter Parker – Nope I don’t mean Spider-Man, I mean Peter Parker himself, the photographer. This is the easiest you can get really cause all you got to do is wear normal clothes, have brown hair, and carry around a camera. Now you say what if I don’t have brown hair? Well you can either get a cheap brown wig to wear or just don’t worry about it. Here’s a way to make the costume more authentic as well as having it obvious to anyone who you without many asking who are you supposed to be and it will only take 2 objects. 1) Got to have a camera, don’t matter really what kind as long as you have a camera cause remember he’s a photographer. 2) You will want a press badge to wear around your neck, if you have or can get your hands on a recent photo with your face on it that you can cut up, 2 of them actually, take your face off of the 2 photos, get a little piece of white blank cardboard, neatly write on both sides in big letters DAILY BUGLE PRESS PETER PARKER and then put the photo of your face on each side. Do both sides because if the badge flips, which it will, both sides will have what you need to be seen so instead of seeing a blank badge and someone coming up asking who are you, you have a badge that will always show who you are.


2) Young Logan or at the time James Howlett aka one day to be Wolverine – another real simple costume for kids and if adults want to be Logan instead of yellow spandex Wolverine I’ll talk some on that after this one. But this version of young Logan is simple, any clothes will work, however some flannel shirt would work best, get 6 chopsticks, 2 rolls of the white medical tape, a few drops of something that will look like fake blood, jeans that have some rips (not many you don’t want to look like they are trashed just some wore out jeans), some boots or brown shoes. Take the chopsticks and make them look as close to bone as you can then tape three chopsticks to each hand but not the whole stick cause young Logans claws where short so make them short, take the fake blood and dab around the parts where the sticks come out of for that hint of realism, and boom now you got a young Logan

a. Adult Logan -- basically the same thing though you have a few differences in this version. One is you can have the choice between bone claws or the adamantium (metal) claws. For the bone go with the same cheap and easy to aquire chopsticks for the claws. For metal hey guess what same thing but just buy a silver maker to color the sticks silver both cheap and easy to make and quick like even. Now for the differences, adult Logan has sideburns, beard stubble and that hair. Well a way to get sideburns quickly (though this is a little dirty and can make some people uncomforatable) is to use peanut butter and some coffee grounds, also works for the stubble just don’t use as much. For the hair, get a straw cowboy hat, you can pick one up that looks just like Logans at Wal Mart for 10 bucks, now you don’t need that wild hair, but if you want it, best way is just to buy a black wig and style it the best you can.

3) The Spirit – yeah he was a movie and he’s little known even after the movie release outside of the comic world. However, he’s one of the easist to become, he wears a black suit, white shirt, red tie, black mask, and a black hat. The suit you can probably find one at your local Goodwill store, if they only have a jacket that’s fine just get that and wear jeans you’ll be fine. The red tie might take a little work or buying one as well as a red hat. But the black mask you can find one of those anywhere selling costumes right now.

4) Clark Kent – so simple and you have so many versions of him, young where he’s in school and looks no different than any kid, adult where he’s a farmboy so just something that looks farmy, or city Clark where a button up shirt and tie with those black glasses will work and if you want to take that extra step make a Daily Planet badge for him being a reporter. And lets not forget all the different versions of Clark Kent, Smallville, Superman Returns, Lois and Clark, and many others so just pick one as close to the version you like or have.


5) Conner Kent or Superboy that don’t like to be called Superboy  -- is one of the easiest Superman versions you can do. All he wears is jeans and a black t-shirt with the S shield on it and it’s done all in red, no cape at all. All you have to do is get a black t-shirt and a red marker, ruler, and then get to drawning as best you can a red S shield on the chest of the shirt. Now if you live near enough to a comic shop you can call them to see if they might have a shirt for sale there.


6) Superman 2011 – figured since I’m talking about Superman costumes might as well go with the newest version of the Man of Steel. He’s simple now, boots, jeans, the typical blue shirt with red & yellow S shield but it’s a t shirt, one you can buy anywhere now really, go check Targets and Wal Mart they have them and usually like 7 to 10 bucks for one, and his cape is this short little red thing. So if you have a red towl or sheet then you got a cape.


Now I know you are saying I’m a girl all you’ve given ideas for are male characters what about me? Ok I got some easy superheroines for you as well that are easy to do.

1) Rogue – todays version where all she wears is a green shirt-skirt, green pants, green gloves, and white scarf. This can be modified if you don’t have the shirt-skirt to just being a green t-shirt, take a white magic marker and draw a white circle with an X in the center of circle at right under the collar of the shirt. Then wear some dark jeans, the green gloves, and white scarf (maybe put the scarf around head so you hide the fact you don’t have a white streak in your hair or just buy a wig and put the white streak in it).


2) Black Widow – she’s simple, just a full body black suit with the red widow symble on the belt and a red wig. If you have some work out clothes you can make this just use a black belt to hide the seams of the shirt and pants.

a. Actually this can work with Black Cat as well just add some white fur around the collar and take away the red widow symbol and a white wig.

3) Black Canary – if you’re not shy then all it takes to be her is a blonde wig, black one piece swim suit, black stockings, and a blue jean jacket.


4) Supergirl – she can be done in the same way as Superman, just instead of pants you have a red skirt and the short red cape, add in a blonde wig and the S shield shirt and you’re good to go. And actually there are a few version you can do with this hero.


5) X-23 – ok if you don’t know who she is, she’s the female clone of Wolverine, so you can wear anything that’s a black tank top and black pants, black wig, and black boots, with only 4 chopsticks (don’t worry about the feet claws unless you want to go that far). Do the silver color on the sticks, tape 2 of the sitcks to each hand but make sure that one is at the pointer finger knuckle and the other at the pinky finger knuckle and now you’re the female version of Wolverine and she’s a real character just make sure you say X 23 or Laura Kinney and you’re good to go



Ok, that’s about it really, there are other female characters that can be done that are just different versions of a one piece swimsuit so if you want just do a quick broad look on google images of female superheroes and you can see that ones like Ms Marvel is a black one piece with a gold lighting bolt, She Hulk is a two tone of usually white and green or white and blue one piece, but most of those are a bit revealing so be careful of what you are wearing.
But there you go folks, some easy costumes to make that can be found in one day if need to be but you have a few days actully so get to work and make it look good.


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