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By Lee Roberts

AVSX Thoughts X Club Thoughts Women of Peter Parkers Life and Character of Week 15



It has begun, Avengers vs. X-Men. Issues #0 and #1 have come out, issue #1 just this past Wednesday, and I can’t wait for it all to be over with. Not because I’m tired of hearing and seeing all the promotions done on the story and all the titles it will involve as well as how shattering it will be to the Marvel U. Nope, I’m looking for to all that with high anticipation. Reason I can’t wait for it to be all over with is so that I can read the story. With such big plot lines like this going through the different titles I like to wait until every issue has been released. Doing it this way ensures that I don’t have to wait a month between titles before I get to find out what happens after the ending of the last issue, I also get to read them all in one sitting which is just nice, and I can put the whole run in the correct reading order. This is a thing for me because some of these titles that will have the tie-ins I get in the mail a month after the newest issue is released. Meaning if issue #3 just came out on the stands this Wednesday then about anywhere between a few days to little over a month later I will be getting issue #2 in the mail. Now this ain’t all the time, sometimes I get them sooner and on very, very few rare occasions I will get the newest issue just days after it’s out in the shops.

Doing it this way also can have a downside, people like to talk about it in the comic shops and on the sites I go to. So without meaning to I end up finding out main plot points even though I don’t want to know. Another downside is that I can’t talk about anything because I don’t know anything since I haven’t read it. Which is what brings up this short little bit at the start of this weeks blog, should I or shouldn’t I read as the story is released? I doubt anyone will answer but it does give me food for thought for myself while I try to figure out if I should read the issues as they come out. Doing so would mean no getting info I don’t want to know yet, I get to talk at the comic shop about it, and I can talk about it in the blog. Now which way I will decide I just don’t know yet.

The 5 issue mini series just finished up this Wednesday and I got to say I’m a little disappointed in how this story played out. In issue #1 the story takes place in 1945 with the Defenders taking down a ship. During this little skirmish the Human Torch (who in 1945 was an android and not Johnny Storm) seemingly passed out causing him to crash into the ship sinking it. In present day the X-Men (of Utopia since Cyclops seems to say this every time someone or himself says X-Men) are helping out a company to put a space station in orbit with an elevator from the sea to the station. Of course everything quickly goes wrong, an Atlantean mutates until he explodes, Dr. Nemesis gets some starfish stuck on his head that makes him say what he’s thinking (which was funny most of the time), Madison seems to be having personal problems, and Danger is now attacking the X-Men.

It could have been a really cool story but it ended up being about some Nazis guy from 1945 who was stuck in fluctuating dimensions is using some AI being as a slave. In doing so the AI being has been trying to escape since 1945 by getting androids pregnant and guess what, it’s Danger that gets the pleasure. By the end of the second issue the whole story just starts to fall apart.

Here’s the 2 problems with X-Club, it was only 5 issues and there’s just way too much going on in it. We’re given the main title X-Club leading to believe it’s going to be about the scientist side of the team, the X-Men, what seems to be members of New Mutants, a long lost Nazis, a new AI being, a pregnant Danger, mutating sea creatures, Atlanteans that are mutating and exploding, clones, Kavita Rao trying to find a cure for the mutations, flashbacks that started in 1945 and also included the story of Avengers Disassembled when She Hulk rips Vision in half, oh and the fight between the X-Men and the clones. Just so much is going on that none of it really is given any in depth detail. It took nearly 3 issues to get to the point of introducing the story and then saying oh by the way it’s these people that are doing it. Then it was over. If this had been 8 to 12 issues than there would have been more time for Simon Spurrier to tell a better story but with only 5 issue it wasn’t enough. Though what gets me is that it was known that this was going to be 5 issues so why did Spurrier put so much in the plot with so few pages to give us the story? Just another story that had potential but instead all it does is show a lot going on but don’t tell anything about it.


Well, it’s another week closure to Spider-Man turning 50 and for this week I’m going to talk about the women in his life. Considering that Peter Parker started off being a shy kid who was skinny, awkward around girls, and was basically a girl repellant. The way Stan Lee wanted him was to be more realistic and relatable to the reader, which being a comic book reader in high school when comics and the comic book geek wasn’t as fashionable as they are now, I was Peter Parker, just minus the powers and being a genius.
However, the one thing I never got was how he always got the girls. Not only how he got them but how he got the most beautiful of them. Here’s a little list of the women that Peter Parker, a supposedly shy guy who can’t do anything right with women, that’s been in his life.
Mary Jane Watson (Parker) – not his first girlfriend but I put her first on the list because MJ has been with Peter the longest and before Brand New Day (which I still hate) she was his wife. Now I can understand Spider-Man being able to get MJ to go on a date with him, after all he wears skin tight suits that show how physically fit and in shape he is, he’s smart, he’s funny, and he’s a superhero. But as Peter Parker, MJ knows him when he’s a shy, skinny kid, with glasses that loves science and can’t even talk to girls. So, yeah I love MJ and hate how they’ve taken her out of the life of Peter but I’m always going to wonder how this girl turned supermodel/movie star was with Peter Parker.

Gwen Stacy – okay, she’s a little different than MJ in regards that she was that one girl that saw who Peter really was as a person and she was just nice. But still, she was the popular, beautiful, blonde girl that was also smart.

Betty Brant – might not have turned out well but she still loved Peter Parker and yet another of the beauties.

Felicia Hardy – ok not technically with Peter Parker but still wow.

Liz Allen – the girlfriend of Flash Thompson who liked Peter but didn’t know what to do about it other than continuing to date Flash (ok this one is actually a little believable)

Angelica Jones aka Firestar – hmm well mainly in the cartoon but still.

Ms Marvel or Carol Danvers – it was a short little fling but still it’s Ms Marvel and again wow.

So can you see my point here? Oh well, regardless on if you believe that Peter could get or not get these women, the stories were fun to read.

Kick Ass

No I don’t mean it’s really cool that I’m doing the character of the week but the actual comic title and movie Kick Ass. Dave Lizewski is the character, he’s also the kid who becomes Kick Ass, and making for one really fun and violent title to read. There have been few characters in my life time that I’ve gotten to read that I know have made some impact on the comic industry and on my views of comic books and Kick Ass is one. This character is based in a real world, our type world, where there are no heroes, there’s no magic, no ones flying around with bullets bouncing off them, and there’s no powers. Dave Lizewski is just the typical real life nerd, who is bullied in school, has few friends or none really, the girl that he is in love with will only talk to him because he has convinced her that he’s gay, so what he does to get over all this is to become a real superhero like the comics he reads. What happens is he gets beat near to death but in doing so he also gets peoples attention of what’s happening. But this was just a fun read, it’s very violent, but the character was interesting and more believable to read than most comics.