>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 25

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 25

Check out this Slovakian poster for Eclipse!

Here is the translation of Zatmenie/Eclipse:
“Biggest fight started. Fight without rules. Fight for survival. Fight
for love. Stand by me. Edward” (eclipsemovie.org)
Eclipse is still going strong worldwide! Box Office Mojo breaks the numbers down for us,
From its Wednesday opening through the end of the weekend, Eclipse earned a massive $104.6 million from 42 territories. This is down from New Moon's $132.1 million opening, though New Moon initially launched in more major markets. Russia led the way with an estimated $15 million, easily topping New Moon's $9 million opening there. Australia followed with $10.9 million, which qualified as one of the top ten openings ever there. Eclipse also earned $10.5 million at 720 theaters in Spain (including $5 million from preview screenings) and $9.9 million at 700 locations in Italy. In Australia, Spain and Italy, Eclipse was down from New Moon. Other noteworthy openings included $10.6 million in Brazil, $8.4 million in Mexico, and a new opening weekend record of $1.6 million in South Africa. Eclipse also grossed $5.7 million in previews in the United Kingdom, which topped Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone $5 million to set the new preview record.
I know there’s a huge (and completely press manufactured) rivalry between Twilight fans & HP fans (which is silly b/c both fandoms share a good chunk of fans), but for HP to lose in its home country? That’s gotta hurt! Although, with the penultimate HP film to be released later this year it is possible that the Twilight Saga could take a beating of its own.
Toys R Us has opened up their own Twilight: Eclipse store! You can find anything from umbrellas, keepsake boxes, dolls, and even Bella’s engagement ring!
They’re also running a contest. Check out the prizes!

Oh, Muse! How could you!? I have loved Muse since their 2004 album Absolution. When I first read the Twilight series, I could hear their lush, dramatic music accompanying the scenes. So, when I found out they’d be on the soundtracks, I was ecstatic! But now, this!?
Muse bassist Chris Wolstenholme vented on the soul-crushing low point that was Twilight. While talking with the BBC's Radio 1, he stated, “...sometimes you've just got to get your music out there in different ways. It's very difficult in America, because you don't have anything like Radio 1, nothing is national. You have to take every opportunity you get over there, and sometimes you have to sell your soul.”
Look, Muse. You made a promise to an author who loved your work. You didn’t sell your soul. You did something incredibly cool for a superfan. Why can’t you look at it that way?
Devra Maza of the Huffington Post has a lengthy article explaining what makes Edward & Jacob so irresistible to women and how men can captures some of that mojo for themselves.
The lesson for men of Edward is not how to seduce a woman, but how to get her to want to seduce you (homework to follow). While Jacob tempts Bella with a love that's "as easy as breathing," Edward takes her breath away because she loves him more than air, and every kiss and touch leaves her gasping for more. He's constantly adoring her with contact; taking her face in his hands, brushing his fingers across her cheek, securing a protective arm around her waist, sliding his lips along her jaw.
Instead of exploring their anatomy, they explore the anatomy of a kiss. It's first base to the umpteenth power, with true love multiplying their every liplock exponentially. The effect on Bella is beyond arousal. Her heart hammers, her skin flushes, her blood, which Edward craves, races in her veins. It's no wonder romance novels are often referred to as "pornography for women." Neither one is realistic.
But how can a human man make this supernatural sexy work in his human favor?
So, how can one inspire that kind of lustful adoration? Well, it wouldn't hurt if you were sculptured to perfection, freakishly fast and strong, could annihilate our enemies and deflect oncoming traffic with a single hand. But don't despair. If you want to be irresistible to someone you care for, here are a few attainable tips from Edward which will work just as well:
Kiss: Tenderly, urgently, to communicate, to explore, and for no reason at all. 
Smolder: Look into our eyes like you want to learn us, then ask us what we're thinking. We're going to tell you anyway, so you might as well get credit for it.
Say Things We'll Savor: Telling us we're beautiful is fine, but tell us why and we'll believe you.
Be Gorgeous: Cultivate the best part of your DNA - your humanity. Chiseled cheekbones and chests make us look. Intelligence, integrity, imagination make us love.
Be Present: Be there in our dreams and share yours with us. Gift us yourself and you'll be rewarded.
Do Good: Use your unique superpowers to make the world better, safer, wiser. If you save the day in big and small ways, at night we just might tuck you in.
Touch: Caress with affection, to comfort, to soothe, to talk without words, in casual and important ways.
Do all of this well and often, for its own sake as Edward does, without sex as an ulterior motive, and you just might find yourself the sparkling object of a shivering obsession of someone you love, being kissed in a way that's as easy as breathing, but takes your breath away. Now, doesn't that sound seductive?
Collider has a great interview with Eric Leven, visual effects supervisor for Eclipse. Leven is very open & honest in this interview! He talks about the differences in the New Moon & Eclipse wolves, what we might see for Breaking Dawn, and about collectibles!
While the entire interview is really interesting as Leven is completely honest about why the wolves looked a certain way, the thing most fans are going to love is the very end of the interview.  That’s because he talks about the very limited Twilight collectibles that were made for the New Moon and the Eclipse crew.  If you’re a Twilight collector, I’m pretty sure you don’t have these [19:20 mark]

Eric Leven Visual Effects Supervisor on THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE from ColliderVideos on Vimeo.

Jackson Rathbone wants to thank all the Twi-Moms out there! And while I’m not a Twi-Mom, I still find him quite charming

Bits of Breaking Dawn
The Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn is available for pre-order and will be released in paperback on August 3rd for $8.99 U.S. & is also available on e-book for $ 10.99.
To pre-order click here.
lion_lamb, a Twilighter community on Live Journal, asked this very important poll question,
How should they end Breaking Dawn The movie part 1?
Participants answered:
a)      Close-up of Bella as she opens her eyes, and they are red. (71.6%)
b)      After she gives birth to Nessie and her heart stops beating. (21.0%)
c)      When Bella wakes up and kisses Edward passionately. (3.3%)
d)     When she coughs up a fountain of blood. (1.9%)
e)      When she finds out she is pregnant. (2.2%)
What DO you think? Are these good points to end BDpt1? Which one would you choose? Let us know in the comments below! For me, I think B would be the most suspenseful way to leave things.
Surprisingly people are still speculating as to whether or not BD will be PG-13 /filmed in 3D. Producer Wyck Godfrey & Summit are finally putting these rumors to rest for good.{EW}
Godfrey confirms what Summit said emphatically to EW last month — the movies, to be directed by Bill Condon, will be rated PG-13 so the younger fans of the books can actually see them. Playing along with the idea that he could’ve gone the Cronenberg route, Godfrey joked, “Yeah! Dead Ringers. We should go full on! My wife’s an OB-GYN so we should bring her on set to make sure that if Edward is going to do an oral Cesarean, he really needs to make the proper incision with his teeth.” Then, he shared the anti-gore rational that, I have to admit, makes perfect sense:
“I think the one thing that we’ve done that we’ve really done in all the films is keep them very subjective and keep them from Bella’s point of view. So the conversations we’ve had with Bill, is that we’ll try to do something similar here; you’re with Bella’s perspective and her point of view of what’s taking place in the rush around her, as she’s in intense pain. Not so focused, objectively, on her body and his body and that. So I think it’ll be something like that, in terms of trying to make the audience experience and feel the confusion, almost, of what’s happening to her.”
I had suspicions that the birth scene would most likely been seen from Bella’s point of view.   This way you’d get slight gore, but mostly fuzzy things, sounds, blurry vision, and her shifting in and out of consciousness. That way there’ll still be a little bit of trauma, but not enough to scare off the pre-teens.
TwiFun Time! 
The July issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine has an article featuring 10 Reasons We Are Still Obsessed with Robert Pattinson. I can think of way better & many more reasons.
1. He doesn’t date skanky chicks.
2. He isn’t afraid to be a goof.
3. He works sunglasses like James Dean.
4. He’ll whisper in your ear.
5. He has serious bedhead.
6.He’s just scruffy enough.
7. He walks like a tiger.
8. He always signs stuff for fans.
9. He’s sexy – even when he looks pissed off.
10. Uh…he’s really hot
One thing you might not love Rob for, however, are his drawing skills
Rob drew around his hand and signed the picture to help promote a charity, Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People, but clearly didn't take as much time as the likes of Sienna Miller, Naomi Campbell, Katie Melua and Jamie Oliver did with theirs.

Although the people over at funny or die don’t care for Twilight, I still find myself lolling at this parody!


I love this parody!

I’m not a fan of country music, but this amazingly hilarious parody of Twilight & New Moon tickled my funny bone. It’s “Chicken & Biscuits” by Colt Ford!

 Jackson Rathbone had a shoot with Nylon Magazine. Check out these scans!



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