>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 34

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 34

New Moon has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records by surpassing the Dark Night in the highest opening-day gross!


“Guinness also awarded The Twilight Saga: New Moon the title of Highest Opening-Day Gross. It earned $72.7 million on its first day, beating previous record holder The Dark Knight.”


Take THAT fanboys!
Bits of Breaking Dawn
Remember all those rumors of BD possibly filming in 3D? Well, you can ignore them. Gossip Cop got the truth straight from the source
A rep for Summit tells Gossip Cop, “Neither film is being shot in 3D,” and calls the rumors “fabricated.”
And a source informs Gossip Cop that while 3D effects can be added during post-production (as they have with some recent releases), right now it is too premature to say whether either part of Breaking Dawn will be converted.
MTV even doubled checked with their own Summit sources for verification
The Stand Up 2 Cancer auction to bid on a visit the Vancouver set of Breaking Dawn has finally ended.
Summit is looking for young actresses to play the part of Reneeseme
The casting directors for "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I" are now casting the role of "Young Renesmee". They are looking for a young girl who has some acting experience and is confident on a film set environment. This girl should have self-composure, good physical posture, and be very attentive, able to take direction well, and be quick to react. They also would prefer a girl with dance training…
There are currently three casting companies working on Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, and they all have gone public with email addresses. These email addresses have been flooded to the point of becoming filled to capacity and many submissions are being returned as "undeliverable" or "email not valid". These email addresses are likely created mainly to appease the masses and are not being used for actual casting purposes.{twilightish}
For more detailed information & contacts click
Everyone’s trying out!
Want to show your love for Breaking Dawn in a stylish way? Check out this really cool “trashy” Breaking Dawn tote from carolanneway’s shop on Etsy.
TwiFun Time!
This is REALLY fun! It’s called “Ugly Dancing” where you can make paper dolls of famous people (or your friends!) dance horribly to very energetic music. You can even control the style of dance from moment to moment. A hugely entertaining time waster—you shouldn’t hesitate to click.  
There’s one for Rob and another for Taylor {twicrackaddict}
James Franco, talented actor, & PhD student tells MTV what he thinks of Twilight
You can put a little fright in your Twilight. Wal-Mart is carrying Eclipse Halloween cards!
I know many fans “drive like a Cullen”! But Portland, OR is using Twilight in an effort to save lives on the road.
The “Twilight” roads signs remind drivers “You are not immortal. Buckle up.”It was probably a wise choice not to include any images of Jacob's abs — too distracting.{jezebel}


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