>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 44

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 44


After the Eclipse
THE ECLIPSE DVD WILL BE RELEASED THIS SATURDAY!! Which version are you going to buy? Need a quick rundown of which DVD will have the special features you’re looking for? Check out this guide! Are you attending a midnight release party? Let us know in the comments below!
Single-Disc DVD
No special features.  Just the movie.
Prices: $16.99 at Target.com, $15.99 at Amazon.com, $16.96 at Walmart.com
Single-Disc Blu-Ray
No special features. Just the movie.
Prices: $22.99 at Target.com, $19.99 at Amazon.com, $22.96 at Walmart.com
Special Edition 2-Disc DVD

Special Features:
·        Deleted & Extended Scenes
·        Audio Commentary with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
·        Audio Commentary with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey
·        Photo Gallery
·        Six-Part “Making of” Documentary
·        Music Videos
·        Edward Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Edward scenes
·        Jacob Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Jacob scenes
Prices: $21.49 at Target.com, $17.99 at Amazon.com, $21.46 at Walmart.com
Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Disk (Single Disc)

On both DVD and Blu-ray sides:
·        Audio Commentary with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
·        Audio Commentary with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey
·        Six-part “Making of” documentary (Picture-in-Picture feature on BD side only)
·        On Blu-ray side only:
·        Deleted & extended scenes
·        Photo gallery
·        Music videos
·        Fast-Forward: Edward (Jump to all your favorite Edward scenes)
·        Fast-Forward: Jacob (Jump to all your favorite Jacob scenes)
·        Fast-Forward: Love Triangle
·        Fast-Forward: The Cullens
·        Fast-Forward: The Wolfpack
·        Fast-Forward: The Humans
·        Fast-Forward: Victoria’s Army
Prices: $26.49 at Target.com,  $26.49 at Amazon.com, $26.46 at Walmart.com
Exclusive: Special Edition 2-Disc DVD + Destination Forks
Available at Walmart only

·        Special Edition 2-Disc DVD Special Features:
·        Deleted & Extended Scenes
·        Audio Commentary with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
·        Audio Commentary with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey
·        Photo Gallery
·        Six-Part “Making of” Documentary
·        Music Videos
·        Edward Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Edward scenes
·        Jacob Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Jacob scenes
Destination Forks Description:
Over 250,000 fans have made the pilgrimage to Forks to breathe in the reality that inspired Stephenie Meyer’s epic saga – have you? “Destination Forks” is a must-have for any “Twilight Saga” fan. Divided into three segments: “Twilight Tour”, “Moods of Twilight”, and “Twihards”, each segment is a unique journey that takes you deeper into the real world “Twilight” universe. In “Twilight Tour” cruise through the actual streets of Forks, Washington stopping at the real sites, homes, and businesses as highlighted in the Saga. “In Moods of Twilight” take a virtual walk through the mystical woods, mountains, rivers, and other gorgeous locations of Forks and La Push. In “Twihards” travel around the globe and meet the real life people that make up the greatest fan community in the world.
Price: $24.96 at Walmart.com
Exclusive: Collector’s Edition 2-Disc DVD
Available at Target only
Special Features:
·        Deleted & Extended Scenes
·        Audio Commentary with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
·        Audio Commentary with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey
·        Photo Gallery
·        Six-Part “Making of” Documentary
·        Music Videos
·        Edward Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Edward scenes
·        Jacob Fast-Forward: Jump to all your favorite Jacob scenes
·        Six collectable photo-cards
·        Deluxe packaging
Price: $27.99 at Target.com
Exclusive: Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray/DVD Combo
Available at Target only
On both DVD and Blu-ray sides:
·        Audio Commentary with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
·        Audio Commentary with Stephenie Meyer & Wyck Godfrey
·        Six-part “Making of” documentary (Picture-in-Picture feature on BD side only)
On Blu-ray side only:
·        Deleted & extended scenes
·        Photo gallery
·        Music videos
·        Fast-Forward: Edward (Jump to all your favorite Edward scenes)
·        Fast-Forward: Jacob (Jump to all your favorite Jacob scenes)
·        Fast-Forward: Love Triangle
·        Fast-Forward: The Cullens
·        Fast-Forward: The Wolfpack
·        Fast-Forward: The Humans
·        Fast-Forward: Victoria’s Army
·        Six collectable photo-cards
·        Deluxe packaging
Price: $34.99 at Target.com
 So many pictures, videos, and other extras have been released in the past week yet they promise us more on the DVD. Check them out!
The Eclipse Soundtrack has been nom’d for a Grammy Award! It absolutely deserves it. Haters can say anything they want about Twilight, but these soundtracks have been nothing short of fantastic each & every time.
Over 30+ HQ Behind the scenes photos. There are even more here
Collider has published an interview with Eclipse director David Slade in preparation for tomorrow’s release! Here’s a snippet
Question: What will fans get most excited about, in regard to the special features and extras that you’ve selected for this DVD?
DAVID SLADE: You know, I don’t know. That’s bad. I made the film and haven’t even seen these things, except to approve them. What I will say is that I think it’s a point worth making that, for a film like this, because of the fan base, I liken it to a subculture. It’s not quite punk rock, but it’s a fan culture, like Star Wars fans. It’s a positive thing and I’ve always been very, very supportive of fan cultures. I’m a fan of all kinds of things. With a DVD, you want something you can own, you can watch, you can come to grips with and you can explore. It’s something larger than the film, when it’s going out to a fan base like this. So, I guess that’s my answer. I hope that they like all of it.
The thing that I remember doing myself is the commentary on the deleted scenes. I don’t do commentaries on films because A) I’m not very good at it and B) it’s an odd thing that I discovered, on my first film, that you go through this really intense experience of making a film and then you sit in a little room with a monitor and you reduce the thing to a bunch of silly anecdotes. It’s really unfulfilling and I’ve never really enjoyed listening to them anyway, so I just don’t do them. I’ve made a point, since then, of not doing them.
But, one of the things I thought was important, particularly because of this fan base and because of how much stock they put into the stories, was just to talk about the stuff we took out – that we shot and we didn’t put in – and the reasoning behind it. I felt it needed a bit of justification. There were some scenes that I actually really liked and would like to have put them in. And who knows? They may be favorites of people within the fan cultures. Film becomes a living organism. After awhile, it begins to tell you what it needs and you’re usually best listening.
Looking back on the whole process of making Eclipse, were there things you were most happy with, in making the film, and were there things you wish you could have tweaked?
SLADE: Yeah, it’s always like that. As a director, you have to go in with a really, really, really clear picture of what you want. That’s the point of my commentaries. It’s so difficult because you’re the harshest critic. You’re like, “If only there was more time, more money, more whatever.” That’s not to say that, in this instance, it was any more or less than any other film I’ve done. That’s what you do. As the director, you’re meant to be critical and you are, so there are loads of things. But the thing is, the way I look at it is, to try to get some measure of success, it’s dangerous to look at financial or critical success, or positive response as a measure. The thing for a director, and one of my own personal ways of looking at it, is “How close was it to the picture you had in your head when you went in?” And it was very close. Besides Hard Candy, it was probably the closest. To that, I feel some measure of success.
One of the really striking things in the behind the scenes features is the obvious amount of time and attention to detail that was taken for every little thing in the film, from the sets and locations to the lighting to things like Bella’s engagement ring and the quilt she is given. Do you think the extent of what goes into making a film will really surprise people when they see that?
SLADE: It’s usually that way, though. I don’t know any other way to do it. That the way I am, really. Nothing was really put on. I don’t even remember the behind the scenes people being there, to be honest. They were very, very discreet. That’s just part of the process. The clearer the picture, the better the film, when you go in as the director, and I had a very clear picture of the film I was trying to make. Every day, you have to have a benchmark, and the benchmark is that picture, that image and that whole construct that you’ve prepared, so it has all those details in it. If that surprises people, then great. That’s just the way I work.
You said in the special features that it took you many years to figure out how to see a clear picture and then get it onto the screen. What was it that finally clicked for you and allowed you to know that you could actually be a director?
SLADE: Oh god, when’s that going to happen? I’m still waiting for that one. I think most directors are. It’s a process of learning. Certainly, from a technical point of view, I remember a specific defining moment where I went, “Oh shit, that looks exactly how I wanted it to! What am I going to do now?” But, that was 10 years ago or so. You always learn. There’s always room to learn and I love learning, so I have the perfect dream job.
What was the most daunting aspect of stepping into this wildly popular franchise?
SLADE: The most daunting thing was getting out of bed, every day. No, really. There’s this point between conscious and subconscious when you realize you were asleep and resting, and you were having all kinds of anxiety dreams about the film and all the things that can go wrong. You get in this hypnagogic state, where you’re waking up and realizing, “Oh, it was just a dream.” And then, there’s this moment where you’re like, “Oh, everything is fine.” And then, you’re laying in bed and you realize the moment your feet touch the ground, that you get back to work and the routine goes. You’re in the shower, you have breakfast, you go out the door, you’re in the car, you drive to the set and you start working. It’s that moment of limbo between where you have to make that decision to get out of bed, which of course you do every day, that is the most daunting thing. Sorry if that’s abstract, but everything about this film was fairly daunting, so we just had to break it down into little, tiny, Post-It note size pieces so it was manageable. It was a hugely epic story to be told, in a very short amount of time. So, getting out of bed was the most daunting thing.
What is the most memorable thing you’ll take away from having been a part of all of this?
SLADE: Going to bed, every night. I just remember going, “Oh god, I get to sleep for awhile.” There were so many things. There are favorite scenes or moments, and there were things that were just predictably fun. The scene where Charlie (Billy Burke) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) have the discussion in the kitchen, which starts out as trying to explore whether she understands this need for marriage and turns into this admission of being a virgin, was genuinely fun because both actors have great comic timing. It wasn’t about going in to find the joke. The joke was there, and everything was actually a bonus. I remember that being tons of fun. And always with really emotionally-charged scenes, you get a tingle because nothing is quite going to be like the moment of actually seeing it happen, in the moment, on the monitor. It may be great in the dailies and it may still have all of that resonance, but just being there, in a moment of truth, is always something you remember. I remember so many of those that I’d bore the hell out of you, recounting them.
Do you feel it was a help or a hindrance with Eclipse that the cast had already been together for two previous films?
SLADE: It was a bit of both. Yes, there is something absolutely wonderful to build upon because they’ve done it before. But, the way it worked for me was that I met each actor individually and asked, quite honestly, what worked and what didn’t work, so we could excise what didn’t work and build upon what worked. And with so little time to shoot the film, and pressures of the schedule and weather, and all the rest of it, it certainly wouldn’t have been as successful, had they not been through this before. But, to an extent, this is also the most mature of the films so far, so there wasn’t too much to be done to look backwards. It was mainly, essentially a process of growing forwards from where they came from. But, it’s good to know where you’ve come from.
Was it fun, as a filmmaker, to get to show some of the characters’ backstories and bring that new aspect to the story?
SLADE: Yeah, I actually spent the most time, when I was reading the book, really researching and going back and re-reading the stuff like Jasper’s (Jackson Rathbone) backstory and Rosalie’s (Nikki Reed) story. Those are the ones that I actually had the most fun reading in the book as well. At a certain point, I remember that there was theoretical talk about cutting one or another of those scenes out because they weren’t essentially that critical to the main three characters’ story, but we kept them all and they were really fun. It’s one of those things, when you have a novel and you have source material, where you can actually really go and explore that stuff. You’re not actually pulling it out of your own ass. You’re actually referencing something. That’s as close as you get to doing historical drama without doing historical drama. And we had Stephenie [Meyer] there all the time, so even if it wasn’t clear in the novel, she would always have such a clear picture of this world and this universe, and she can answer any question. You could ask her a year apart and it will be the same answer she gives you, every time.
Last week we got a preview of Kristen’s & Rob’s commentary on Eclipse. This week it’s author Stephenie Meyer & producer Wyck Godfrey. For the full summary click
• They talk about fighting over the music. SM wanted Florence and the Machine song in the Beck and Bat for Lashes scene.
• SM likes Jasper’s hair despite it changing every movie. She thinks they finally got it right.
• They love Sarah Clarke. SM concludes Charlie and Renee are getting married again.
• In the Bella riding off on Jacob’s motorbike scene they laugh about the windshield wipers on Edward’s car stopping right in front of Rob’s face all the time.
• Imprinting: They decided the Claire/Quil story will be held until BD
• They call the wolfpack nudists running around in “jorts”
• A few people on set replicated the “spider monkey” scene in the Cullen house soundstage.
• The tribal story scene was the worst scene to shoot besides the baseball scene in Twilight.
• Kristen as the 3rd wife made the test audience laugh-unintentionally funny so they cut it.
• SM talking about the books of the Twilight Saga: “Chris really gets the rough end of the stick. He got the weird one” LOL
• Like me, SM also loves the sound of Bella’s hand crunching Jake’s face.
• All the producers practiced the Jacob/Bella kiss.
• SM walked out of Wyck’s trailer upset after seeing Angryward scene. She knew Jacob’s arm would be ripped off if Eddie ever tried to grab him by the shoulder.
• SM/Wyck call Emmett and Rosalie jerks for not coming to the graduation of their siblings.
• Wyck wanted Jacob to come into the graduation party scene as wolves to make a more dramatic entrance, or wearing jorts.
• Like Rob, Wycke also jokes that Alice looks drunk walking down the stairs before the flashback.
• Wycke to SM: “ you’re a logic nazi!”
• SM: Talking about changing the style of the wolves between NM and Eclipse: “It’s just like the hair. Next time the wolves will be panthers!”
• Jacob wolf looking arthritic as he walks away from Bella-I totally thought that as well
• Wyck doing a Tenessee accent (its terribly funny)
• Like Rob, SM also commenting about Jasper’s “They’re verr come in the south”
• SM on the kid Jasper killed in the flashback: “That kid was nice, it was sad when we had to kill him. We should have picked some child actor who nobody liked”
• Talking about having a hot Rod party. SM : “the thing about wyck is, he lies a lot, and you can’t tell when he’s lying or not.” Wyck: “Can we put Andy Samberg in BD?”
• SM has heard “imprint” and “battle” too many times, she no longer likes those words
• SM was there for the leg hitch scene (there may be hope for the BD sex scene to be hot?)
• SM: “Kristen’s really authentic and vulnerable. “ (thumbs up SM!)
• Kristen running down to talk to SM wondering if she could do anything else during the leg hitch scene.
• Proposal scene: Rob keeps the ring under the bed. The first time they forgot about giving him the ring.
• Leg hitch: They knew it was a fandom request
• Wyck talking about Bella trying to seduce Edward: “I thought she could have had him.” SM: “If only she had you there to advice her wyck.”
• They were almost going to flashback to Edward courting Bella back in the olden days in black/white. Would have been unintentionally funny.
Check out this wonderful behind the scenes video with director David Slade on the Twilight Facebook
Lastly, a quick refresher on Eclipse release parties. {twilight lexicon}
For places specifically hosting a party (not just being open at midnight) check out The Official Eclipse Movie site and plug in your zip code in the search feature. As many of you have noticed, there are far fewer locations than we had for New Moon. Just by way of comparison to New Moon, last year there were multiple locations in Manhattan where release parties were taking place including a Best Buy where Peter Facinelli was present. This year, in the entire City of New York, there are only 3 parties in all of the 5 boroughs: 2 in Staten Island and 1 in Queens. There is nothing in Manhattan, the Bronx, or Brooklyn. The past two years the Lexicon has done events in Manhattan, but since there aren’t any available and the other NYC area events aren’t convenient to where we live, we aren’t doing anything this year.
Places that just so happen to be open at midnight. There are a variety of stores like super Targets and Walmarts that are 24 hour stores that happen to be open at midnight anyway. There won’t be a party, but you can get your disc. If you are looking to match your set, Target has the style packaging that Borders was previously using and no longer is. Check with your local store to see if they’ll be putting the DVD out promptly at midnight.
Small local retailers. There may be some small local retailers doing midnight release parties that didn’t make the Eclipse website. Check in with your local indie book, music, and DVD stores to see if they have anything going.
Actor appearances. Currently we have no info on what locations actors may appear. For New Moon, Summit gave out details on actor appearances the night of the release. There was also a lot of Twitter chatter with the actors before that, hinting at where they might be. So far, no Twitter chatter yet. David Slade will be appearing at the Dark Delicacies store 3512 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505December 4th at 6:00 p.m. This is a numbered event and DVD must be purchased at Dark Delicacies. See their website or call the store for more info.
Bits of Breaking Dawn
This message & picture was posted on the Twilight Facebook page
“Happy Thanksgiving and a crazy Black Friday to all of you and yours.” – Bill Condon
Bella's arm full of feathers! Such a teaser that Condon! 
TwiStar Tweets via examiner
On Monday, Cameron Bright (“Alec”) tweeted: “3 days til Cameron heads off to start filming Breaking Dawn. How many of you are excited for that movie???”
That same day, Daniel Cudmore (“Felix”) said: “Off again on Wednesday morning....No rest for the wicked!”
Then, yesterday, Jamie Campbell Bower (“Caius”) said: “Packing up dublin house. Bad times. Camelot finished for me! Breaking dawn begins soon for me. X”
Charlie Bewley (“Demetri”) replied to him to say: “It's ok JCB... I'll bring a guitar to keep us all entertained!! Ppff”
Daniel Cudmore then replied to Bewley: “Your going to have way too many bags...get photographed at the airport and be dubbed a diva...” before going on to say: “I'm south bound and down, loaded up and trunkin!”
As Tinsel Korey (“Emily Young”) soon after noted: “Just a wild guess, but it looks like the Volturi are back in action
TwiFun Time!
The same folks who brought you Twilight in Forks have a new DVD coming out. According to the description on the official website:
“Destination Forks is a must-have for any true Twilight fan. With three movies on one disc (Twilight Tour, Moods of Twilight, and Twihards), it’s the on-screen pilgrimage into the real world of Twilight. Your companion for the books and movies, it showcases the incredible beauty, mystery, moods, and places of the real Forks – birthplace of the story that became a global phenomenon.
Over 250,000 fans have made the pilgrimage to the real Forks, Washington to breathe in the reality that inspired Stephenie Meyer’s epic saga – have you? We take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of the town: inside the real-life Cullen house, Bella’s house, Jacob’s house and many more, and set the mood of Twilight with the amazing beauty of the woods, beaches, and mountains of the area. Walk on FirstBeach in La Push, drive with Bella in her old Chevy pickup to Edward’s house, and go to the heart of the Olympics where Jacob and Edward protected Bella from Victoria’s attack. Eat mushroom ravioli at Bella Italia in Port Angeles, and drive through the woods as Bella and Edward did on the way home from their first date. ”
Twilight Lexicon has compiled a list of all the Twistars and their online communiqué mediums. So now, your stalking can be totally accurate ;)
Summit Entertainment Twilight Saga Movies
Cullen Family Members
Ashley Greene Alice Cullen (no longer uses MySpace)
Jackson Rathbone: Jasper Hale no personal twitter, Twitter for his band 100 Monkeys
Elizabeth Reaser: Esme Cullen no social media
Nikki Reed: Rosalie Hale   http://iamnikkireed.com/
The Volturi
Chris Hyerdahl: Marcus No Social Media
Dakota Fanning:  Jane no social media
Forks Humans
Justin Chon Eric Yorkie
Anna Kendrick Jessica
Christian Serratos Angela Weber
Michael Welch Mike Newton
Quileute Tribe Members
Taylor Lautner Jacob No social media (no longer uses MySpace)
Alex Meraz Paul Official Website http://www.alexmeraz.com/
James’ Coven
Rachelle Lefevre Victoria (Twilight/New Moon)
Edi Gathegi Laurant
Victoria’s Coven (Eclipse)
Bryce Dallas Howard Victoria (Eclipse)
Xavier Samuel Riley
Amazon Coven
Tracey Heggins Senna
Judi Shekoni Zafrina
American Vampires
Valorie Curry Charlotte
Erik Odom Peter
Lee Pace Garrett
Denali Coven
Christian Camargo Eleazar
Casey LaBow Kate
Maggie Grace Irina
Mia Maestro Carmen
Egyptian Coven
Rami Malek Benjamin
Omar Metwally Amun
Irish Coven
Patrick Brennan Liam
Romanian Coven
Noel Fisher Vladimir
Other Actors
David Slade (Eclipse)
The Twitters supposedly run by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor, Nikki Reed are all fakes. Ways to tell: mislabeling of photos stating where & when the pics were taken, Tweeting while clearly performing , all created around the same date, claiming they are posting personal photos when in reality are actually recycled paparazzi shots, official sites of actors don’t list a Twitter, etc. Additionally Summit Entertainment confirms when each actor comes on twitter.  They are also such A-list stars that their account would be verified by Twitter right away. So don’t get fooled by the fakes!
Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos! 


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