>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 47

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 47

 Want to see a sneak peek from Breaking Dawn Pt. 2? Let Target help you out! Various Target stores around the country are having BD Pt.1 DVD release parties and will show this exclusive preview clip during the bash. You’ll be able to pick up your ticket for the party at 9pm and festivities begin at 11pm! {Twilight Lexicon}


Here’s a video on the sneak peek!


Lions Gate & Summit are now one! With Summit bringing all things Twilight and Lions Gate’s The Hunger Games, they’re sure to rake in billions.

The two Santa Monica-based companies have engaged in on-and-off merger talks since late 2008 as Lions Gate has sought to bolster its library of film and TV properties and Summit's investors have tried to find a way to cash in on the lightning-in-a-bottle success of its "Twilight" movie series, which has grossed $2.5 billion worldwide over four films.

2012 could be a huge year at the box office for the combined company, with "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" coming in November and the first of four planned "Hunger Games" movies, based on hit young adult literary series, coming in two months.

The latter is Lions Gate's biggest movie bet ever, with a production budget of nearly $100 million, and an explicit attempt to try and duplicate the success of "Twilight." The combined studio will undoubtedly seek to use the two properties to promote each other. {LA Times Blog}

So besides seeing a little Hunger Games in your Twilight and a little Twilight in your Hunger Games {Hunger Twilight?  Twilight Games?}, what does this mean for our beloved Saga?

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" may not be the end of Bella, Edward and Jacob's on-screen journey, according to the head of the franchise's new Hollywood home…

Asked whether the franchise would continue in some form for Lions Gate, he added, "It's hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn't have ongoing value. It's an amazing franchise that they have done a great job of maintaining with absolutely no deterioration. So the simple answer is 'Boy I hope so.'"

One person close to the acquisition deal but not authorized to speak publicly suggested that because Lions Gate, unlike Summit, has a television production unit, it could adapt "Twilight" for the small screen.

Asked whether there was a possibility of bringing "Twilight" to television, Feltheimer answered, "I would certainly hope so." {LA Times Blog}

What would you think about a Twilight television series? Bella & Edward’s story really does end with Breaking Dawn, so what do you think the show would be about? Don’t get too excited, Twilight Lexicon isn’t too confident about this speculative televised Twilight;

We’d just like to point out a few things. In fairness of full disclosure we have no insider info here just background of experience with the Saga from February 2006, longer than any other currently running site.

—Summit doesn’t hold rights to Twilight other than the films that they have already done. To our knowledge they have not been granted the rights to do anything further with the series: TV, radio, plays, cartoon, etc.

—Even with a merger, Lionsgate doesn’t get extras, only what Summit currently has the rights to. So they can’t just up and decide “we are doing a TV show” They can certainly pitch the idea, but it doesn’t mean they have the rights unless Stephenie Meyer says yes.

—Stephenie Meyer is next working on The Host movie (not with Summit/Lionsgate) which is slated to start filming shortly and is slated to be a trilogy (according to the director).

—Stephenie Meyer’s production company, Fickle Fish Films, filmed Austenland last summer and will likely start to promote that project to buyers this spring.

—Given that Stephenie Meyer is going to be pretty busy with The Host and Austenland and she likes to be hands on with her items, it would seem unlikely that she’d give carte blanche to develop a TV series that she didn’t have time to give ongoing input on.

—There was some talk about Potter and Rowling extending their series too with the cry of “She’d be stupid not to”, with conventional industry wisdom saying “how can you walk away from this money” Twilight has sold 10′s of millions of books does anyone really think Stephenie Meyer is going to do something just for the money any more than Rowling did?

—Does TV really need another vampire and werewolf show? Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Teenage Werewolf, Grimm. At a certain point you hit saturation.

So to wrap it up(again no insider info here) but our gut says Lionsgate may want a TV show, but it’s about as likely in the near future as it is for Aro and Edward to have a group hug while Jasper sings Love Is All You Need.

Great snark ladies! That visual is LOL worthy!


The Twins Love Twi!



Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!

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