>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 3, Issue 2

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 3, Issue 2

 Check out this Breaking Dawn 2 teaser! It's quite intriguing! 

Considering that Lionsgate & Summit are now one, many expect for this to be shown as part of the previews before The Hunger Games.

I have always preferred the 2nd half of BD. Seeing Bella come into her own and the NATO of vamps gather in Forks was very cool. I can't wait to see it on the big screen!

Just in time for Summer...There's a Hallmark ornemant! {Twilighters Dream}


"It's hard to tell in the picture but there is a lot of detail for such a small ornament (4" high). You can clearly see all the buttons on the back of Bella's dress and on the sleeves. I was very happy and impressed by this. I can't wait to see the ornament in person.

The retail price of the ornament is $17.95 and it will be available for purchase beginning Saturday, July 14th during Hallmark's Keepsake Ornament Premiere Weekend. "


 This seems a little early to me, but the detail does look incredible. Even Edward's lips look puckered!


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