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Kristy Love Brooks

Songs of Love and Peace

(Kristy Love Brooks)
(Deadline: May 26, 2013)
Release Date: 
Friday, March 1, 2013
Grand Prize
  • "Songs of Love and Peace" CD - (PIC)

Kathleen “Kristy Love” Brooks heals the body, mind and soul with her music. Known as an entertainer extraordinaire, she has performed as a solo vocal artist, actress, and dancer; and with a group. Her special gifts and talents are displayed through her vocal and acting performances in which she brings the gift of love and touches the souls of her audience. She has graced the stages worldwide across the United States to Hong Kong, Singapore, Haiti, Bahamas, Hawaii and more. Her latest album “Songs for Love and Peace” including the single “All Over The World” displays her unique sound and will create a new excitement in the mainstream dance music industry.