>> Think Like a Man: The Interviews

Film: Think Like A Man

Talent: Gabrielle Union

Job: "Actors, Writers"

Studio: Screen Gems

In Theatres: April 20, 2012

Official Site

It was a hot night at the premiere of Think Like A Man.  Atlantic Station (Atlanta) had the best red carpet event to premiere the stars, cast, writers and author of the “Think Like A Man” book.  It was exciting and fun to be a part of this event.  It was setup in true Hollywood fashion.  The celebrities came out in their “Sunday-best” and represented well.  I had a chance to speak with a few cast members and here’s what they had to say about the movie.

SHAKEFIRE:  How easy was it to create a soundtrack for the movie?
EPIC RECORDS: The movie was great so coming up with a soundtrack was very easy.

SF:  How was it working on this movie with so many other actors?
GABRIELLE UNION: We’ve all known each other so long.  We are all friends so it was like a reunion.  It was fun.

SF:  How was it working on the set of Think Like A Man?
GARY OWEN:  Since there are so many people in this movie, I was only worrying if any of my scenes would be cut from the movie.  But when I saw the movie, I was like “Oh, almost all of my scenes made the movie.”
SF: How much of your scenes were improv?
GO: About 98% of my scenes that made the movie were improv.

SF:  How did you go about writing a script from the book, Think Like A Man?
KEITH MERRYMAN & DAVID NEWMAN:  It was complicated to convert the book into a movie.  I like the fact that in the movie the men are vulnerable to the women, which makes this a good movie.

SF:  Who were the stars in this movie?
KEVIN HART: There weren’t really any ‘stars’ in this film.   There is an ensemble cast and because of that we came together and just did an excellent job.
SF: How was it working with Gary Owen, your comedian friend?
KH:  I’m happy for Gary, or for any comedian doing film.

SF:  What role do you play in the film?
LALA ANTHONY: I play Meagan Good’s best friend in the film.   Every one needs a friend with that voice of reason.  I was just happy to be a part of the film.

SF:  Do you have any advice for women?
TERRY:  Yes.  When it comes to relationships, just be you.  That way you don’t have to deal with it when you are in a relationship and the real you starts to come out because you’ve been trying to be someone else.

SF: What advice do you have you can give to women?
ROMANY MALCO:  Blame doesn’t serve anyone in a relationship.  You should take responsibility for the circumstances in your relationship.

SF: Why should a woman think like a man?
TERRENCE JENKINS:  You shouldn’t follow relationship advice from other women.  It’s like asking another sheep how to get away from the wolf.
SF:  So, why not think like a woman?
TJ:  You have other movies for that.  Sex In the City, Yaya Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.  Its’ time to start thinking like a man, dammit!

SF:  Why should a woman Think Like A Man?
STEVE HARVEY: You don’t have to think like a man if you don’t want to.  I’m just asking that you put our (a man’s) thought process in mind when you (a woman) are making your decisions.  I’m not trying to tell you what to do with your life but if what you’ve been doing until now is not working, than let me hip you to something. Let me tell you how to play the game; the rules of engagement.
SF: Do the men feel like you are going against guy code giving women so much insight?
SH: Yeah, they do but they haven’t read the book either.  Men are always trying to have the upper hand but women have the real power.
SF: What inspired you to write the book?
SH: My daughters and my wife.  We have daughters that are dating.  So I wanted to tell them how this thing really works.

Be sure to check out Think Like A Man in theaters near you this April 20th, 2012.

 Also check out our THINK LIKE A MAN page for all the info on the film!


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