>> Gentlemen Hall: Quickie 10

Coming off of a big year in 2011, Gentlemen Hall is now hitting more smartphones, computer screens, airwaves and television sets than ever before.
The Billboard and Boston Music Award winners launched an online demisode campaign last week with Microsoft to promote the new Windows Phone. The clever, three minute "demisode" video features the band on set making a music video for "Gravity Will Break Our Bones." The video quickly took over the charts landing the #1 spot Friday, January 20 on YouTube's "popular videos around the web," trading the top spot back and forth with Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" video.

1. Place in Boston that is a must see?
Wally's!!! its the oldest continually operating jazz cafe in the good ol U S of A and its right here in the middle of Boston. Free live music 365 days a week that will melt your face. Funk night is a must (Tuesday's)

2. Which comes first music or lyrics?
Music... always. But sometimes the moment is generous and gives us both simultaneous 

3. I will always:
stare off into space ... and ponder infinity

4. Instruments that will be heard on "When We All Disappear"?
dulcimers, synths, bantars (half banjo half guitar), bells, flutes, big old fatty drums & guitars

5. Is today better than yesterday?
a good friend of mine in a band called "ribs" has a goal to spread the message that "our best days are not behind us" .. and i firmly agree with that message!

6. Favorite TV show as a child?
simpsons.. only show that would put me in a bad mood if i missed an episode

7. Zombie Apocalypse possible or not?
just another cliche pop fad

8. Worst part of the day is:
When the show has ended.. when the song is written..when the party is over

9. Having a flautist in the band is certainly not a traditional approach to rock music. Do you think that has that helped Gentlemen Hall stand out from the pack?
With the five thousand other bands in our region that have the same old guitars drums and bass we will say that it helps! but it was never a marketing notion.. we really enjoy the sounds of the flute in pop... with that said...the flute player was THE rock star in the era of classical.. there was only one piccolo player in the entire orchestra.. you better believe he was swimmin in ladies

10. How does it feel to have your video "Gravity Will Break Out Bones" successfully competing with a top artist like Nicki Minaj on Youtube?
Although it isnt really our video (Microsoft Windows Phone created this)... it was a very cool opportunity and giving us some great exposure. We're in a time were there are more avenues and tools for bands to be seen but ironically one of the hardest times to be seen. Theres just so much damn music out there right now! its a great problem to have!



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