>> 'Die Hard 5' to Be Directed by John Moore

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

After a long search, 20th Century Fox has settled on studio mainstay John Moore to direct Die Hard 5, the latest in the decades long Bruce Willis action franchise.

Moore is now in negotiations to helm the movie, which will see Willis return to star as John McClaine.

The move is not a surprise as Moore's name kept surfacing even as the studio looked at names such as Fast Five helmet Justin Lin, Nicolas Refn of Drive and Attack the Block's Joe Cornish. The derby was set in motion when Noam Murro, who was slated to direct, left to take on Warner Bros.'s 300 sequel 300: Battle of Artemisia.

The new Die Hard movie has a script by Skip Woods and is said to feature McClaine's son, with some saying Fox may be setting up a passing of the baton.

All of Moore's features - which begin with 2001's Behind Enemy Lines starring Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman, include Flight of the Phoenix and a remake of The Omen, and end with Max Payne - have been for Fox.

Title: Die Hard 5

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Bruce Willis

Director: John Moore

Studio: 20th Century Fox



I don't like this director. A couple of remakes, a sequel to a film that didn't need a sequel, and a video game adaptation? Poor John McClane. How they gonna do you like this? At least the script will be handled by a guy who has had some success as of late with his script for the A-Team which was just off the wall hilarious and action packed, and despite how much people say they hated Wolverine, it was at least good for an action film. I'll just forget he ever had anything to do with Hitman, and Swordfish. Snore. Still, the whole concept of having his son, which was about as necessary as Superman's son in Superman Returns, is lame. Willis proved he's still got the chops to be an action hero (see Red). Why retire him in this franchise now? Seems dumb. Kind of seems dumb to continue on after Die Hard 5 which was terrible. Note to Hollywood, Timothy Olyphant is neither a good villain, good tough guy, hell, he doesn't even have the chemistry to work in a romantic comedy. He's just, in the parlance of our times, a poor remake of Michael Biehn, and not a very good one. A bit off subject but just thought I'd throw that out there.

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