>> Star Trek 2 Warps In On May 17, 2013

Source: Empire

Now that Paramount has finally turned the electricity up high enough on the electrodes attached to JJ Abrams’ sensitive parts and made him commit to directing the Star Trek sequel, the pieces are slowly beginning to fall into place. The movie might not have a title yet, but it has a schedule, with the studio targeting a May 17, 2013 release date with its torpedoes.

Deadline reports that the executives took swift action after Sony shoved Roland Emmerich’s Singularity off that date, zeroing in on the time slot and stuffing Kirk, Spock, Sulu and co into place.We assume and hope it'll be day-and-date over here, given that's what happened with the first one.

Now, of course, it’s up to Abrams to make the thing, working from the script he’s been overseeing as it's written by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci and Damon Lindelof (who tweeted the news with “You have boldly waited this long... We shall do our very best to make it worth that wait.”)

The big news on the Trek front is that Abrams will be making it his first stab at 3D filmmaking, which means the Enterprise will be warping RIGHT INTO YOUR FACE. Okay, hopefully not: Abrams knows what he’s doing. But we are little concerned about 3D lens flare burning our retinas out.

In related news, there’s still no official word on Benicio Del Toro signing on as a villain (Abrams will only cagily say that they’re still in discussions) but one person who will really, truly be contributing is composer Michael Giacchino. Yeah, try to look surprised. But definitely look pleased.


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