>> Eddie Izzard Off To Mockingbird Lane

Source: Empire

When someone says the name Grandpa Munster to you, does Eddie Izzard instantly spring to mind? Us neither, but it looks like director Bryan Singer and writer/producer Bryan Fuller had other ideas, as they’ve now landed the actor to co-star on their new version of the 1960s monster sitcom, which goes by the name Mockingbird Lane.

Last November, when the official word hit the wires that the pair was planning a new take on the Munsters for US telly, we worried whether the world really needed another outing for Herman Munster and co. Yet from the sounds of what the team is planning, this could actually be an interesting, fresh spin on the story of horror stalwarts trying to settle into suburban life.

The new title, of course, comes from the characters’ address and while the series will maintain some of the humour of the original, the concept is being shifted more into a comedy drama than a sitcom. It’ll also boast a more striking visual style, which isn’t all that shocking given Fuller’s previous shows (particularly Pushing Daisies).

Izzard, who has also been hired to act as one of the producers, will play Grandpa as the powerful, ancient vampire with the ability to shapeshift, an eye for the ladies and a knack for snazzy suits.

So though we’re going to wait and see on this one, we’ll put our faith in the talent attached so far...

Title: The Munsters

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Eddie Izzard


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