>> Prison Break gets canceled

Was anyone really watching anyway?  Apparently not and Fox made that clear today as they announced the cancelation of the long sinking show at their winter press tour. 

They will air all the final episodes, beginning April 17.  Fox President says that they will air the final batch of four episodes and will decide on any more to cap the show after that, stating the the show "is played out."  Ouch.  But, this isn't a surprise as we thought it started to playout about halfway through the first season and would have made a terrific mini-series.

Show: Prison Break

Season/Volume: 4

Genre: Drama

Starring: Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams

Network: Fox

Airdate/Time: April 17, 2009 9:00pm

Official Site


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