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By Lee Roberts

A Look Back at Best of 2014

Well, 2014 is almost over, just little over a week left in the year in fact, and in that light I want to look back at the year that was for comics. I will give a list of some of the bests from this past year, some I've put on the list because I think they are and some are on there because they where the best according to sales and majority of the reviews they received. So, let me begin with the best books to come out in 2014. Oh, these have no real ranking in the order they come in, the first is not the best of them and the last is not the least best of them, they are just the order that I typed them and nothing more than that and can be moved around in order in any direction.

A) The Wicked + The Divine – Published by Image Comics, it's currently on issue #6, wrote by Kieron Gillen and art by Jamie McKelvie. This book is about a group of people that where normal until gaining the powers and minds of deities who will now only live 2 years because of gaining these powers. In this world this has been going on for as long as they can remember so it's not shocking that it happens, it's in fact popular, but with a death being involved there's now a mystery to uncover in their world and now the world is looking at them differently.


B) Spider-Verse – Published by Marvel Comics, wrote by Dan Slott and many others, art by many as well, currently on part 3 of it but there are a total of 21 books out that involve the Spider-Verse that are Edge of the Spider-Verse, Superior Spider-Man, Scarlet Spiders, Spider-Woman, and Amazing Spider-Man. The story takes every possible Spider-Man/Spider-Woman that Marvel is legally allowed to use and pits them against the Inheritors (one being Morlun) in a fight to the deaths. It's brutal and good.


C) Moon Knight – Published by Marvel Comics, on issue #10, first wrote byWarren Ellis and artist Declan for the first 6 issues, currently it's Brian Wood and Greg Smallwood on the title. This is not the Moon Knight of old, yet it is. It still revolves around Marc Spector being crazy with the multiple personalities and he does go out at times in his full suit and gear. However, it's primarly about him dealing with his personalities and doing it in a different way where he wears a suit and tie instead and the fights he gets into are more emotional than just thugs on the street.


D) Batman Eternal – Published by DC Comics, this is a weekly comic and is on issue #37 at time of writing this but it started in April, wrote and drawn by multiple people but main writer is Scott Synder. This story has been progressive and falls sometime before Batman “Endgame”, it involves a lot of twists in the plot as well as different and new characters.


E) Batman – Published by DC Comics, wrote by Scott Synder and drawn by Greg Capullo and is on issue #37. Right now the story line is called “Endgame” where the Joker is causing some new and big damage in it. This year has been a good one for Batman stories.


F) Outcast – Published by Image Comics, wrote by Robert Kirkman and drawn by Paul Azaceta and is on issue #5. This book is  about demonic possion and is getting very popular and if you want to get this while the back issue are still under $20 you better hurry. Right now Robert Kirkman is in Rock Hill, SC filming a pilot for Outcast to be put on a premium channel.


G) The Walking Dead – Published by Image Comics, wrote by Robert Kirkman and drawn by Charlie Adlard and is on issue #135. I won't give anything away on this other than the book keeps getting better.


H) Shutter – Published by Image Comics, written by Joe Keatinge and art by Leila Del Duca
and it on issue #7. This is one that I haven't read, I have issue #1, was going to start it but at the time I had to cut down on how much I spent on comics and since I hadn't even read this title I didn't continue on. However, it's been going like mad here where I live and from what I've seen online for it, this book is doing quite well.