

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Running Time: 
152 minutes

Ray Charles died of liver failure on 10 June 2004, after filming had ended. He was able to sit through the first edit of the film before his death.

Winner of 2 Academy Awards Ray pays tribute to hit churner Ray Charles as played by Jamie Foxx. From his rise to fame as a famous musician to his steady decline due to drug abuse Ray is every bit a perfect biopic blending drama with amazing music and excellent acting. Well deserving of its awards.

Yet another Blu-Ray transfer that has so much going for it but manages just to stay slightly under perfect. Detail and definition is crisp and beautiful and clarity is spot on but color ranges from bright and beautiful to muted. Shots of Ray as a child in his Florida hometown tend to be redder then they need be due to the clay dirt but the contrast sometimes distorts skin pigmentation. Black and white levels are great and there is only a slight spot of grain which can go unnoticed. Thing to remember is that the presentation really is near perfection. Audio comes in a DTS-HD MASTER Audio 5.1 and it really is spectacular. Dialogue meshes well with ambient sound and during music montages surround sound capability is well mixed.

 ~Introduction by Director Taylor Hackford
~Complete Uncut Music Performances From The Movie Including Ray &The Raelettes performing “Hit The Road Jack.”
~Stepping Into The Part: A revealing look at Jamie Foxx’s incredible transformation into Ray Charles - including a jam session with the legendary musician himself.
~Ray Remembered: Friends and fellow musicians remember Ray Charles.
~Feature Commentary With Director Taylor Hackford
~A Look Inside Ray
~The Filmmakers Journey
~The Women Of Ray
~Ray: An American Story

Kind of disappointing that most of the bonus features are in standard definition and from the looks of it the additional features section seems to be bits and pieces of previous edition bonus features all in one place. No real Blu-Ray exclusives. Still it’s a great supplemental package for anyone that has never owned any other version of Ray.


AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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