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Side Effects

Side Effects

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 46 Minutes

“Side Effects” was directed by Academy Award winning director Steven Soderbergh and the movie was comprised of several well-known actors. Emily (Rooney Mara) is patiently waiting for her husband, Martin (Channing Tatum), to be released from prison for insider trading. Once Martin is released, Emily starts to experience depression, anxiety, and several other symptoms. After being “treated” by Dr. Banks (Jude Law), things go from bad to worse for everyone. What happens exactly to Emily, Martin, and Dr. Banks? You are going to have to watch this suspenseful and thrilling movie to find out.

Before reviewing “Side Effects,” I had seen the trailers several times, but never pushed myself to watch the movie while it was still in theaters. I can honestly say that was a huge mistake. The plot twists and turns in this movie were gripping and had me guessing until the conclusion. The writing was very well done and each of the characters were perfectly cast for their roles. The movie started out a bit slow in the beginning, but picked up after about 15 minutes and never slowed down.

I do not know any other movie that had portrayed depression so realistically and in such a clever manner. This movie showed how a doctor’s decisions can have effects on a person as adverse as the medications they are taking and are prescribed. Jude Law and Catherine Zeta-Jones were my favorite characters in the movie and they both did an excellent and believable job as psychiatrist. If you love suspense thrillers, this is the perfect movie for you. For those reasons, I am giving “Side Effects” a “B+.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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