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Warbeast: Destroy


Release Date: 
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Loud, fast, intense, and loud are just a few words to describe what I just got finished listening to. Warbeast's new album Destroy is aptly named because my eardrums feel like they are destroyed. What I expected to get out of Warbeast is what I got out of Warbeast. At the moment I'm wondering how I can go back to being 17 again so I can properly enjoy this music like it needs to be, with endless amounts of energy. This is thrash metal at it's best, it's like I said, loud, it's fast, and at no time with any of the songs is there any slow points. There's no way anyone can get bored with listening to this album and if they did then they're either in some induced sleep like coma or dead.

With the opening song "Cryogenic Thawout" I was hooked on this album. This song contains no vocals, grunts, groans, or any vocal sound at all. It's all instrumental, it's fast (though not the fastest of the songs), the drums hit at beats that make you feel the primal instinct to just want to scream, and it's wonderfully put together. I was thrashing around within seconds of the song playing and wanted more by the time it ended and I was pleased to get more. This band has put out a CD that if you like thrash metal than you will love them.

What's easily noticed are the drums being played by Joe Gonzalez. He's so fast on the sticks and pounds out the beats with a lot of power. The drums almost take over the songs, which is fine because they are what gets the heart beating fast, but the speed that Joe Gonzalez plays at is amazing. Not to take a back seat to the drums though are the vocals of Bruce Corbitt who sings in that deep, grunting, gives you a sore throat range when done for too long voice. However he sounds good doing it. His vocals fit the rhythm of the songs where he doesn’t sound like he's trying too hard to sound intense. I also like how I can actually understand him and the lyrics yet the songs loose none of the intensity by allowing me to understand him. Every song is a ball of high voltage energy that had me pumped up so much that at as I drove home after my long day at work I was ready to hit the night life scene for an all-nighter, but that's where I want to be 17 again so I could actually do that. Still, this is a band that other thrash metal bands should look to on how to create a song with power, rhythms, and beats that make you want to smash and scream.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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