>> Jackson Webber: What It Is (2012)

Artist: Jackson Webber

Album: What It Is

Members: Roy Webber, Will Jackson

Genre: Country, Easy Listening, Other, Pop

Label: United States Of Dist./Ka

Tracks: 10

Release Date: April 24, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.57 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

I just can’t figure out what style of music is being played on the album “What It Is” by Jackson< >Webber. At first I thought that it might be a lite country music but then it has a sound of progressive rock as well. There’s also some mellow rock being played in their music on the album that again threw me off when trying to figure out what I was listening to. Regardless of what genre the music is there is one constant theme on the whole CD, slow, mellow, easy rock. Oh, well there you go, it’s a bit easier now that I sit to think about it, “What It Is” is easy rock and it’s very easy music at that.

It’s also not that impressive of music. Listening to around 50 minutes of songs that don’t have any gusto in them while being played at this low, mellow, easy beat had me disinterested. I couldn’t get peeked in what was playing, even when the tempo picked up with the song “Shame on You”, there wasn’t anything in the song that caught my attention. All the songs put out this listless sound that had me feeling listless. There’s no energy being put into the songs and it makes the songs boring and me tired.

With the lack of any power or soul being put in the songs there is some talent that can be heard in the songs. I might have been bored while listening but it takes some degree of talent to be able to sing a song that have such low, soft spoken vocals without it sounding like it’s just someone talking or having the voice crack when doing so. I’m not impressed with the album or like it that much but Roy Webber is able to sing his vocals with some degree of talent. Now if there had been more soul and emotion in the songs than I would have found “What It Is” a little more interesting to listen to. However, regardless of being able to play some instruments without going out of key or having the skill to sing soft vocals, when the song has no personality then it’s just boring to listen to and that’s what has happened on this album.


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