>> Rusty Truck: Luck's Changing Lanes (2008)

Artist: Rusty Truck

Album: Luck's Changing Lanes

Members: Mark Seliger

Genre: Country

Label: Rykodisc

Tracks: 12

Release Date: July 29, 2008

Discs: 2

Notes: DVD of music videos included

Rating: 2.81 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

Speical Guests

Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Lenny Kravitz, Rob Thomas and others are guests on this CD.

There are some people that live a normal life and some that live one not so normal. The life that Mark Seliger lives is one of the not so normal variety. When not taking photos of famous rock stars for Rolling Stone magazine he now has a band of his own called Rusty Truck. Not only has Mark Seliger got his own band but on the CD are some of those famous musicians such as Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Lenny Kravitz, and many others.

If a line up of musicians like that don't get you interested in the CD than just listen to the songs. What you will get are 12 country songs that have a different sound to them than the typical song. There is the typical sound that makes the songs country but there is also a hint of some rock and roll in some. But the sound is not the only part that is the same as other country songs, the lyrics of the songs are pretty much the same. I'm not meaning they have the same words as other country songs but it's the meaning of the songs that are the same. Which is sad and depressing.

I've never been one for country music and the reason why is that for the most part they are sad and depressing. It's always about a love leaving or someone dying and that just turns me off of a song. What Mark Seliger has brought to his music is a sound that is unique and not like a typical country song. For that reason he has made a good country CD that I like the sound of. The instruments are played very well, though it don't hurt to have some of them played by some top musicians and the songs are good to listen to. Vocals are sung well, but again with help by people like Willie Nelson it's hard not to have a good sounding song.

It's having those musicians as well as having his own talent and creativity that makes Mark Seligers Rusty Truck Luck's Changing Lanes CD a good one. Even though there is that depressing edge to some of the songs that comes along with country the way the songs are played and the vocals are sung that edge is not that sharp. Included along with the CD is a DVD of the same 12 songs. When I put the DVD in I saw on the menu that there was music videos. I at first expected a concert or maybe an actual music video but I was wrong with both expectations. The 12 videos are of the 12 songs but they are just a very few photos that I'm guessing Mark Seliger took. Sure the photos are really good and being a photographer myself I enjoyed them a lot. But there were only a few of them and I became bored with watching the DVD. There was nothing to keep my attention on the tv. After a few seconds of seeing the photo all that was left for me was the song and if I'm going to listen to the song it will be off the CD or my MP3 player. The DVD really didn't offer anything where it is needed to be included with the CD but it is still a bounus.


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