>> Age of Heroes (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: Age of Heroes

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Suspense, War

Starring: Sean Bean, Izabella Miko, James D'Arcy, Danny Dyer, Sebastian Street

Director: Adrian Vitoria

Studio: Entertainment One

Runtime: 94 Minutes

Release Date: January 17, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Notes: The real group No. 30 Commando, or 30 Assault Unit (30AU), was formed by James Bond creator Ian Fleming.

Rating: 3.71 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Bonus Features

Documentary, Deleted Scenes, Bloopers, B Roll Footage

After barely escaping enemy attack with their lives, Corporal Rains (played by Danny Dyer) is able to get his men to safety. Though when he is ordered to keep him men in a postion that will lead to certain death he disobeys the orders and strikes the higher ranked officer. Sent to prison Rains meets Major Jones (played by Sean Bean) who is the leader of a newly formed group called the 30 Commando, a team of special trained men that get information during WWII. It will take all their reigous training for them to get radar technology that the Nazis have while also having to rescue some Norweigan villagers. Their mission was one that was going to be extremely dangerous but when their plane is shot down too soon, they get a new member that’s untrained and knows nothing about combat, and their contact Jensen (played by Izabella Miko), turns out to be the wrong person, the 30 Commando will face a mission that could be their last.

Age of Heroes is based off true events that follow the real group the 30 Commandos who where a elite group of soliders that would gather intelligence during WWII. This movie takes place during the forming of the group during 1941 where they get the mission of getting radar technology from the Nazis. Rains is the main character who starts off getting in trouble that sends him to prison, though it’s a misunderstanding where eveyone believes he is a coward, Rains is really a good solider that only wanted to protect his men. Once he introduces himself to Major Jones, the movie goes from showing Rains to showing a team of men who are on a mission that is high priority but also top secret.

Compared to some other military movies, Age of Heroes has very little action and fighting in it but what it does have is good. It’s a character driven movie that has some strong emotional scenes that get backed up with some action sequeances. In fact I’m glad that this movie is not just fight scene after fight scene, if it had been then the story of how these men had to rely on each other in the face of death would have been lost. In fact for a movie with just a small amount of action in it, it turned out to be quite intense.
Though this is not a long movie, just 94 minutes long, it was able to hold my attention the whole time, even when there are some slower moments. There are are a few scenes that I would have liked to seen more of, such as the training sequence where Rains is getting his training to be put into the 30 Commandos. What there is of this part in the movie is short and don’t give enough into how rigorous or tough the training is. There is one moment when he is having to hold a gun above his head that shows that he is going through a lot of pain but it’s the only time. Age of Heroes has a good cast, not great, Sean Bean seems to have a role that required not much acting, just be tough and gruff, where as Danny Dyer had to show different levels to his character.

This movie was both good and just ok with it’s picture quality, even being a Blu Ray. During the daylight scenes or well lit scenes, the picture is clear, sharp, and most importantly don’t have any grain in it. However, when there are night scenes or any scenes that contain black or dark areas, the grain and noise is seen in the picture. Another aspect that should have been better being that it’s a Blu Ray is the audio levels. I had my television volume turned up to 21 so I could be able to hear what was being said. Which turned out to be blaring when it did get to the fight scenes forcing me to do the mad jumping jitters rush to get to the remote to turn the volume down some. As a Blu Ray I’ve seen better, I’ve heard better on DVD’s with the audio, but one thing this Blu Ray had that I found extremely fun to watch and different is the bonus feature of the B-Roll footage. 


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