>> Fright Flick (2011)

Title: Fright Flick

Genre: Horror

Starring: Chad Allen, Daphne Khoury, Todd Jenkins

Director: Israel Luna

Studio: Vicious Circle Films

Runtime: 93 minutes

Release Date: January 25, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: F

Official Site

I didn't think it could get worse than a Deon Taylor production, but I WAS WRONG. "Fright Flick" is quite possibly the worst movie I have had to sit through in a while. A second-rate film crew of an 18th-rate movie gets picked off one by one when someone (and you don't know who) finds out that some of the crew are ready to split off from the collective to make their own movie, but will they live to see its realization?

Oh boy, when I said I liked "Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives" I must have been asleep or watching something else because Israel Luna's latest offering, "Fright Flick" is unbeliveably terrible. In the first 10 minutes alone you get gratutious topless shots, cardboard/plastic acting, terrible accents, and stereotypes so annoying you want to shake them into unconsciousness.

I get that it's supposed to be a B-movie, but those movies are supposed to make you yell things like "oh, no don't open that!" or "don't go in there!" and not "please run into those hedge clippers!" The audience is more than happy to push each cast member into the line of fire just to get some peace and quiet.

Veterans of Luna's movies return in this stinker: Tom Zembrod (the all too believeable psycho in "Trannies"), Todd Jenkins, and Richard D. Curtin (who is more believeable in drag), and probably some other people I just don't care to look up. Except, for Chad Allen. Remember Chad from such 80s hits as "My Two Dads" and "The Wonder Years?" Yeah, I never wondered what happened to his career either, and let me tell you that he isn't doing himself any favors by being in this shlocky waste of celluloid.





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