>> Lymelife (2009)

Title: Lymelife

Genre: Drama

Starring: Alec Baldwin, Rory Culkin, Jill Hennessy, Timothy Hutton, Emma Roberts, Kieran Culiin, Cyntha Fixon

Director: Derick Martini

Studio: Screen Media

Runtime: 93 Minutes

Release Date: September 22, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Official Site

LYMELIFE is the tale of two middle class dysfunctional families. The main character, played by Kieran Culkin, well this is really his coming of age story. He’s forced to confront the issues between his Mother and Father and make due with the absence of his brother, played by his real life brother Rory Culkin, after he enlists in the military and moves away. His best friend, played by Emma Roberts, is the girl he’s in love with, which adds yet another layer of issues for him when she doesn’t exactly express her love for him. Not exactly as the cover reads though; Violently funny.

Not sure what film sparked the revolutionary idea that other people would enjoy watching the most depressing aspects of real life play out for them on the big screen. This film in particular just piggy backs on the idea and to be honest its not all that clever. The general idea here is that middle class families are corrupt, cuss a lot, and do drugs. Isn’t that always the way it is in films like this. A dismal spiral of self deprecation forcing every character in the film to self sabotage their lives. While there were some redeeming factors for some slight nostalgic moments obviously they will not work for everyone. The cast, though mostly successful for their television roles rather then their big screen roles, seems well put together offering up familiar names and faces that, despite everything, just don’t have story or decent writing to bring them up to a level that would heighten the film. LYMELIFE reads like poor independent offering very little to satisfy a view.

Bonus features include an alternate ending that goes on for far to long to show you several seconds of what we already assume happens in the original ending, deleted scenes, and commentary.



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