>> Moby Dick (2011)

Title: Moby Dick

Genre: Drama

Starring: William Hurt, Ethan Hawke, Charlie Cox

Director: Mark Barker

Studio: Vivendi Entertainment

Runtime: 184 minutes

Release Date: October 4, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

"Moby Dick," Encore's 2010 adaptation of Herman Melville's classic began as a two-part movie. Here we we have 184 minutes of pure action, tension, and a descent into insanity.Having never read the novel, my review is based on the merits of this film version alone and not a comparison. The plot, which surely everyone knows, follows Captain Ahab (Hurt) as he forms a crew to embark on an epic journey to catch (and kill) his nemesis, Moby Dick, the great white whale.

Most of the 184 minutes is spent on the water which was quite impressive. Unfortunately the DVD did not contain special features, so I don't know how many special effects were used to create the film. In truth, beyond the whale effects I couldn't tell, so the crew did a fabulous job. Also of note are the wonderful period costumes and attention to detail. While the story centers on Captain Ahab and his ailing mental health, the movie's success comes from the ensemble cast: Gillian Anderson (Ahab's wife), Donald Sutherland (Preacher), and Billy Boyd (Elijah); three roles that shine despite their short screen time. Ethan Hawke is Mr. Starbuck, first mate, who is the voice of reason, but in a slightly emo way; not as strong and confident as you might want from someone trying to save you from a mad man. Charlie Cox, Ishmail, successfully pulls off the naive newbie sailor without being annoying.

I'm not a literary purist, so I enjoyed the film despite the Hollywood portrayal of the story. It worked for me. I would have liked special features and a slightly less-defeaning soundtrack, but in the end, "Moby Dick" is a made for cable TV movie, so I'll let it slide.


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