>> Savage County (2011)

Title: Savage County

Genre: Drama, Horror

Starring: Doug Haley, Ana Ayora, David Caffey

Director: David Harris

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 79 minutes

Release Date: May 31, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Bonus Feature


What’s Happening in Savage County:
When a dare goes wrong it goes horrible wrong, which is what happens when a group of friends go onto the property of the Hardell Family. Patrick (played by Doug Haley) is the misfit of the group who is dared to go up to knock on the door of the Hardell home. Answering the door is the eldest Hardell member and he has a gun pointed at Patrick but what first started off as something to laugh at turns into the death of the Hardell Family member. Now the group is on the run from the other family members who only want revenge. Each of the teens are hunted down by the other Hardell Family members who are all equally crazy and insane.

My Thoughts on Savage County:
First impression was this was going to be yet another slasher flick with lots of unneeded blood and gore. And that impression that I had was correct. All ‘Savage County’ is, is yet another of the too many horror movie that has the plot of some teens goofing off and having fun, some country bumpkin family that are insane, the teens either do something or just are there, and then the inbred people go on a teen killing spree. This plot has been done so many times that it’s old, tired, and hold no interest for me anymore.
So here it is, yet another one of these movies that’s supposed to be a scary, at least I think it was supposed to be scary, where it’s all about the killing. Another typical aspect with ‘Savage County’ that didn’t surprise me any was the bland acting by all the actors. All the actors for the “Hardell Family” made me laugh at how unskilled the performance was. Not that the actors that are the teens do any better of a job as a bunch of terrified teens being hunted down and killed.
Nothing in this whole movie had anything that was remotely interesting, fun, or worth the time it took for me to watch it. I don’t mind a movie that has some blood in it, and some murders, even the crazy family that wants to kill some meddling teens but only if it has at least 2 of the 3 aspects that make for a good slasher movie. But there’s none of the 3 in this movie. The acting is horrible, the effects is just as horrible, and the plot is lame and way too overused. One thing that it had going for it was that they didn’t just show gore to be showing gore. Though because of how they where trying to keep the needless use of blood being shown at all times the editing of ‘Savage County’ ended up having lots of cuts put in it. It seems like this movie wants to be a big time gore movie but falls short of everything that makes big time gore movies.


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