>> Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

Title: Law Abiding Citizen

Genre: Action/Adventure, Suspense

Starring: Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx, Leslie Bibb, Colm Meaney, Viola Davis, Bruce McGill

Director: F. Gary Gray

Studio: The Film Department

Runtime: 108 minutes

In Theatres: October 16, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.78 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx face off in this psychological thriller about a man who has lost everything, seeking justice for the death of his wife and daughter.

Clyde Shelton (Butler) was living a happy and successful life when everything was turned upside down one fateful night. After a home invasion, he is left with a dead wife and daughter and his only closure is seeing the men who did this rot in prison. Unfortunately, a corrupt D.A. Nick Rice (Foxx) makes a deal with one of the criminals who gets off scot free. This does not set well for Clyde who soon takes matters into his own hands.

Butler no doubt is a man of action, and there is plenty of that in this film. Explosions, a gruesome torture scene, and an inmates ‘last meal,’ are just a few of the bloody messes you’ll witness. That being said, it definitely deserves its R-rating.

What makes this film different is that it’s a thinker. Butler’s character is not your ordinary man. He’s actually a retired elite spy who is a master of engineering weapons and explosives. Despite being captured and locked up in solitary confinement, he still manages to cause chaos and destruction around the city, yet nobody knows how. You’re left wondering this right up until the end of the film.

Another thing is that you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. At different times in the film, you want to side with both Butler and Foxx. Both equally share in there good and evil moments so there is no clear good guy/bad guy of the film, making anything possible.

Unfortunately, because the characters are so developed throughout the film, the ending doesn’t fit the way Butler and Foxx portrayed them in the hour and a half leading up to it. Without spoiling anything, it just doesn’t seem like that’s how things would end, given how each person operates.

If you’re a fan of either Gerard Butler or Jamie Foxx, then Law Abiding Citizen is the film to see. It’s got action, suspense, and is an intense ride that will have you guess at what will happen next.    


Very Good Movie

It got your from the beginning and held you to the very end.k

Great Movie

Suspense the entire movie. Justice is the word for this movie. Excellent acting.

Very Suspenseful!!!

I love this movie. Just like the posters above, the entire movie held you! Can't wait until it comes out on DVD and I usually do not buy movies like this!

Great suspense Movie

Loved it, Jamie and Gerard did a great job of making you love and hate them at the same time. I really loved the ending, thought it was justifiable.

Great Movie A+


Right on critique!

Great Movie..

Wow this movie was a surprise and every entertaining , it had a great story line.
Gerard Butler was awesome, I thought Jamie Foxx's character need more depth. I enjoyed the movie and would recommend it anyone who enjoys suspense.

Excellent Movie! Great

Excellent Movie! Great Suspense! I thought Jamie Foxx's acting hurt this film. Gerald Butler was incredible, it was cool to see him as a righteous "badguy". I did not like how the movie ended though. But I would recommend this movie to anyone.


I thought Jamie Foxx was great! The ending made perfect sense!


I really enjoyed this movie. I didn't and don't hear any buzz about it!? Why??? It rocked!

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