>> Project X (2012)

Title: Project X

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Brown, Alexis Knapp, Nichole Bloom

Director: Nima Nourizadeh

Studio: Warner Bros.

Runtime: 88 minutes

In Theatres: March 2, 2012

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.92 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Senior year of high school is a big deal for teenagers. It’s the last time they can make an impression on their friends and classmates before they move off to the wonderful world of college. For Thomas, J.B. and Costa, it’s there last chance to be remembered. For four years, they’ve been relatively unknown to everything. That’s all about to change when Thomas throws the greatest birthday party in the history of the world. It’s going to be a night to remember.

Coming from Todd Phillips, the mastermind behind The Hangover and Due Date, Project X depicts the most wild and crazy party movie. It’s as if The Hangover and Superbad had a baby together. Using the found footage perspective, the film chronicles three friends as they attempt to rise to the top of their high school. At the center of the party is Thomas who is about to turn 17. He’s the most average out of the bunch and is probably the most relatable. He’s the guy who just coasts through life, not really experiencing all it has to offer.

Surrounding him are his two best friends, J.B. and Costa. J.B. is the nerd of the group who hangs around, hoping that some of their charm will rub off on him. Costa, on the other hand, is the douche in the sweater vest you love to hate. He’s a loud and arrogant ass who doesn’t quite fit in with the other two but still manages to somehow be friends with him. Naturally, this whole giant party idea was his.

Project X takes all the stereotypes about high school and partying and throws them out the window. The use of handheld cameras and montage scenes truly bring the film to life and make it quite believable. Loud music, drugs, sex, and everything in between goes down. Just when you think it’s reached its peak, it gets even crazier when the drug dealing T-Rick crashes the party. No doubt this is one night no one will forget.

What makes Project X so likeable is the fact that it’s a film everyone can relate to in some fashion. All the characters seem real, from the socially awkward main cast to the angry next door neighbor. Yes, even the annoying Costa and his smug New Yorker attitude is entertaining to a certain degree. Simply put, Project X is the ultimate party movie. It’s raunchy, funny, and overall just a damn good time.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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