>> Ancient Aliens: Season Three (2012)

Show: Ancient Aliens

Season/Volume: Season Three

Genre: Educational, Other, Reality

Studio: A&E Entertainment

Runtime: 800 minutes

Release Date: January 24, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 2.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

For those that have never read my ramblings…er, reviews before, I live in a madhouse. Just kidding (sort of). My wife and kids absolutely love the unexplained from paranormal stuff to aliens and whatever falls under the cryptozoolgical category. I’ve seen it all. I do admit that I have been fascinated by the idea’s that Ancient Aliens puts across. If you owned Stargate on DVD they had a bonus feature that pretty much started it all with Erich von Däniken talking about his belief that aliens did in fact come to Earth millions of years ago offering our ancestors the use of their technology to help build some of the most amazing places in the world. Unfortunately that bonus feature was only used on the special edition DVD and is only now being added back into a brand new release for Stargate on Blu-Ray. Anyway, it was a small dose of crazy that was easy enough to swallow.

Ancient Aliens features Erich von Däniken again as well as a few other key speakers like Giorgio A. (The Hair) Tsoukalos and David Hatcher (What’s with the accent?) Childress, who believe that aliens are responsible for a majority of events that have taken place on our planet. The wife and kids ate up seasons one and two on Netflix so when I found this in my work pile I knew the weekend would be devoted to it, all 800 minutes of it (wow). Some pizza ordered, a couple of bottles of soda, and we were off to the races.

The first episode on the first disc was interesting, Aliens In The Old West. Of course there would be some reference (okay a lot of reference) to the Jon Favreau flop Cowboys & Aliens. Still, it was pretty interesting. Matter of fact there were a lot of very interesting bits of information and stories throughout the series that pulled me back in just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore. Tales of hikers gone missing only to be found with their insides crushed, hair turned gray, bodies aged beyond their years in a matter of days, a forest in Japan that lulls in hikers who never come out and the people who organize search parties only to find hundreds of bodies within, and the geographical coincidences that prove there was something strange going on in the past. There really is plenty of interesting points that get made in this series but also moments of complete insanity when theories begin to reach too far and speakers fall into a passionate tirade about how everything has happened because of aliens, without a doubt. Easy there killer. How about some meds.

While I did find the show interesting once it just feels like the longer the show is allowed to continue on the more it seems to go over the same material delivered in a different light or fail completely to offer up a cognitive argument on their claims. I had a hard time getting through all four discs without becoming the raging skeptic but when my wife and kids, who love this stuff, started to tell me that this season seemed to drag on and failed to connect some of its episodes with anything ancient at all, that’s when I knew something was up. Season three does offer some new thoughts to mull over, but for a collection that runs over eleven hours total it just felt like more of the same argument, and it’s speakers coming a little unglued now that they have an audience who will listen to their claims. While some of the information found here can be taken seriously it's just hard to swallow that everything from ancient mythology to vampires and zombies is absosultely connected to aliens. The series just feels like the Walter Sobchak of documentory shows. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.




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