>> Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Box Five (2011)

Show: Dragon Ball Z

Season/Volume: Dragon Box Five

Genre: Anime

Starring: Stephanie Nadolny, Sean Schemmel, Jillian Michaels, Don Brown, Christopher R. Sabat

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 1050 minutes

Release Date: April 26, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 6

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

So first off lets cover what most of you already know about the Dragon Boxes before I get into all the information about this particular Dragon Box (Vol. 5). The Dragon Box collection was printed in limited quantity in Japan and had been considered a rarity among DBZ fans. Funimation has satisfied every fanboys wet dream by bringing the set to the states and making it available remastered, uncut, and included both the English dub (in a 5.1 Surround quality) with original Japanese music, as well as the original Japanese voice track with original music (mono). The sets include an art display on the outside spine casings which eventually, with the inclusion of the final box sets, will create an art display of, what I assume is Goku and Gohan. Here's a small taste (its the only one I could find):

Dragon Box Five covers the DBZ saga from episodes 169-209 which makes up the Cell Games Saga, a brief stint in The Otherworld Tournament, and Gohan’s High School days. This is only my second time covering the Dragon Ball Saga and I have to say that I should be kicking myself for never looking into this series. My real introduction came when I covered Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies and I absolutely loved it, but this expansive 40 episode set really immersed me into the DBZ world and provided a much larger opportunity to witness the epic battles, hilarious comedy, and even some of the tragedy found in the series. I was fortunate enough to take my second DBZ viewing with the Dragon Box collection as well. The remastering here is simply superb as every frame has been beautifully restored and remastered to offer the highest quality picture for DVD. While I really wanted to watch the series with its original Japanese language track I opted to use the English Dub, which is great and sounds absolutely awesome, but for the brief one episode trial run I did with the Japanese Language track it was extremely clean for a mono track. Either way fans of the series and new comers like myself will be more then satisfied with the awesomeness of the Dragon Box’s from 1-5 and beyond.

The way in which the DVD’s are set up in each case is you have two on one side, one overlapping the other, and one all on its own. If your familiar with the way the BBC releases most of their stuff you will recognize this as a perfectly fine way to go for packaging, but you’ll know to be careful as the spindles that hold the discs in are usually pretty fragile and if your not careful in placing the top disc back in its spindle you could cause some slight damage to the undersurface if you make to much contact with the disc beneath. Each individual case, which holds three discs and there are two of them, sits on either side of the Dragon Book Volume 5, which we will come to in a second, and sits inside of a large hard case box. I think it’s a pretty good looking set and everything seems to have its own purpose in the grand scheme of things.

The discs come with no bonus features but the set does come with Dragon Book Volume 5 which for me, a relative DBZ newbie, is awesome. It’s a hard case book which contains a variety of info and some comic relief bits. You’ve got your episode lists and episodes synopsis, character relationship charts and profiles, a bit on DBZ fashion (I told you it was funny), as well as some other sections that include sexiest male and female characters, Bulma’s top three inventions, and other little tid bits of information that will be near and dear to fan’s hearts and provide loads of info on the show and its characters for people like me. In short when you read that these Dragon Box sets are the definitive collections just believe it. If there’s something missing from this set I’d be the last to know but as far as I’m concerned its as complete a set as I would need to understand, enjoy, and still be in awe after its over. A must have set. Enjoy.


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