>> Go Diego Go!: Diego Saves the World (2011)

Show: Go Diego Go!

Season/Volume: Diego Saves the World

Genre: Kids

Studio: Nickelodeon

Runtime: 146 Minutes

Release Date: April 12, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

Diego came long after my own children had grown up and hence stopped their fascination with the Dora Universe. That being said I seldom watched Diego but for the few times that I am opted to for review. This time I was sent Diego Saves the World, and let me be the first to say, Diego is a far superior show to its predecessor Dora The Explorer. I know, were not comparing them, but I’m only pointing out the obvious.

Let me first start by saying that Diego Saves the World is a steal at $12.99 (Amazon) for which your youngster gets over two hours of show. Now on to what I loved about Diego Saves the World. Unlike Dora, Diego is livelier, more adventurous, and the music doesn’t simply cater to kids. This I assume is because the demographic is aimed at a slightly older audience, though the show is relatively similar in design. Diego travels all over the world, which is a plus, and though there are several recurring characters Diego meets up with various new animals every episode, yet another plus.

As I watched the show I could only think of my four year old nephew who has a fascination with animals and adventure and thought how prefect the show would be for him, and not just for fun, but also for learning. Every time Diego goes on a rescue the show goes into great detail about the animals their rescuing from Blue Whales to Camels to Cotton Top Tamarin’s. Your given the animal, its habitats, its habits, and its country of origin. Fun-wise the songs in Diego Saves the World are better produced, really putting a  more professional touch on them. Adventure? There’s a ton of adventure in every episode from hang gliding to whale riding. Yup, you read that right. In short Diego Saves the World is a pretty fantastic release in just about every way. I highly suggest. Enjoy. 


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