>> Initial D: Second Stage (2011)

Show: Initial D

Season/Volume: Second Stage

Genre: Anime

Starring: J. Michael Tatum, Christopher R. Sabat, Todd Haberkorn, Josh Grelle

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 325 minutes

Release Date: February 1, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Trailer Spotlight:

Most of the trailers on this release are similar to other Funimation releases but one seemed to stand out to me. RideBack is odd looking with a character whose profession used to be Ballet but due to an unforseen accident she looks to be recruited and rides around on a Mecha that's part motorcycle part robot. It looks action packed and the motorcycle stuff reminds me of Akira. One to check out.

Initial D: Second Stage is the first of the series that offers up the entire season in one collection. Three discs are included in the set which feature the main second season on the first two discs and on the third two extra’s titled Extra Stage 1 and Extra Stage 2. Its also here where you will find the bonus features such as Textless Opening and Closing music for each theme, Uncut versions of the two extra stages, and trailers.

Its been an interesting introduction into Initial D for me. FUNimation released the series beginning at Stage 3 before releasing Stages one and two so that’s been kind of weird but it really doesn’t make much difference. As I watched this Stage I found it fascinating, like watching a prequel. It still works as a stand alone but you can have fun watching how Takumi goes from being totally inept about his ride to the evolution of it, with the help of his Father, so that it becomes the legend it is in later seasons. My only problem with this Stage is that they keep trying to push this romance story which never really produces much and fails in the whole stand alone concept. The only side story that gets much attention, and rightfully so, is that of Itsuki and Kazumi. It’s a little Romeo and Juliet but its cute. What you get in the Second Stage is full on racing and Takumi becoming more knowledgeable about his car and himself as pertains to controlling the eight-six. I guess the show makes up for it with the Extra Stages. Extra Stage 1 is really about Impact Blue and is more or less a race episode that just gives you something fresh to ponder on. Extra Stage 2 is more of a full blown romance story. In any case with the arrival of the Evo racing team known as The Emperors Takumi ends up losing more then he bargained for in a challenge but with this unofficial loss comes the start of his legend. If your not already a fan of Initial D and your into street racing you can pretty much step in anywhere in the series and quickly become addicted to it but this season has it all to get you started. Enjoy. 



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