>> Silverhawks: Volume Two (2011)

Show: Silverhawks

Season/Volume: Volume Two

Genre: Action/Adventure, Anime, Drama, Kids, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Maggie Wheeler, Peter Newman

Studio: Warner Archive

Runtime: 733 minutes

Release Date: October 4, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Notes: 33 Episodes

Rating: 1.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

The battle against Mon Star and his evil minions rages on as the Silverhawks fight for what’s right. Joining CommanderStargazer and Quicksilver are the new recruits Condor, Moonstryker, and Flashback in their quest to take down the mob boss Mon Star. Being “partly metal/partly real” allows the Silverhawks to fight the mob of villains like Buzz-Saw, Mumbo Jumbo, and many other villains.

I vaguely remember watching this cartoon when I was a kid and I can understand why it’s only just vaguely. This cartoon ran in 1986, which means it has all the wonderfulness that makes up an 80’s cartoon. The good guys have all sorts of powers, the villains do too but they are just not smart enough to beat the heroes, and the names used are a pun. Along with those 80’s formats, there’s also the plot where the heroes look cool, good looking, and are smart where as the villains are stupid looking at best, are ugly, and go into a fight without thinking.

One of the things that I liked about this cartoon was the names of the characters. Mon Star, that’s a easy one to figure out what they were trying to make the name and him be, a monster. This guy was one ugly villain, being all red, having the evil black eyes, and what’s with those big spikes around his head? Though Mon Star was not the only one that I liked, there is also Buzz-Saw, the villain that has saw blades all over his body and it’s a good thing he’s a robot because with saw blades as hands would make eating a little bit tough. If his name and looks wasn’t funny enough, they gave him this high pitched voice that just makes the character even funnier.

Because this is an 80’s cartoon the plot was simple, the villains are out doing bad stuff and the only ones that can stop them are the Silverhawks. These plots would do the normal where they try to make you think that the Silverhawks might be loosing but in the end they always beat the villains and Mon Star. With not trying to make the show seem like it was real, the team did things like being able to talk in space or even fly. Not that it matters cause the cartoon is geared for kids so the plots are simple, there’s lots of fights, and both heroes and villains are using powers, some can fly, they go around in space, and lets not forget the one hero Col. Bluegrass, yes that’s his name, he also sang country songs and played a sonic guitar. 

I can’t say I was too impressed with the cartoon as a whole but that’s because it is 25 years old. Everything about this cartoon screams the 80’s, the plots, the characters, the funny names, the funny voices, the fights, how the heroes always wins, and the look of it. This cartoon might not have the look of something new but it still has some style to the artwork. Though the quality of the picture is not as crisp as cartoons aired today, it looks decent enough on this DVD set. What this cartoon has going for it is that it’s a good hearted show that tried to let kids know that being good is better than being bad, it just said that in a very corny way by having these androids (cause come on partly metal and partly real, that’s an android) showing what to do when bad things happen.  


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