>> The Brief: Complete Collection (2012)

Show: The Brief

Genre: Drama

Starring: Alan Davies

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 559 minutes

Release Date: February 28, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Henry Farmer is a criminal law barrister with a messy personal life, a gambling addiction, and a clever mind that allows him to take on cases that seemingly only he could win. UK series The Brief tells his tale.

It's a decent show, but you wouldn't be upset if you missed it. The cases are clever and interesting, but everything else about the show isn't. Henry is supposed to be a gambling addict, but he doesn't really appear to struggle with it. Most of the performances by the principle actors are dry and lacking emotion. All in all, you'd be better off watching Law & Order which handles these type of cases better and doesn't bother with the characters much at all.

Henry (Alan Davies) tackles a case about the accidental death of children by a distraught parent, a rape case, a murder, an appeal for a sex triangle killer, a train accident, a son who murders his mother, a case involving a will's disposition, and another rape involved case. Each of them, in their way, is interesting to watch unfold, and every episode would be worth watching if it weren't for the dull delivery of performance and the uninteresting life of Henry Farmer.

The show ran for two series (UK speak for seasons) and a total of eight episodes. All of them are collected here on four disc, two episodes per. If you are still interested in the show despite my glowing review, this is a pretty decent way to get it.


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